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中国特色词汇翻译论文 第3页

更新时间:2010-8-17:  来源:毕业论文
中国特色词汇翻译论文 第3页
Methods of Translating Terms with Chinese Characteristics
3.1The Feature of Chinese Vocabulary
Generally, there are three categories of writing systems in the world——the hieroglyph the ideograph (alphabetic writing) and the phonography [1] (25). Chinese characters are ideography, which are significantly different from other alphabetic writing used by most ethnics through out the world. Its table-shaped structure has a close relation with its ideograph. This feature is determined by its nature. Concerning the ancient Chinese, dominated by monosyllables, there was lots of homophones but lack of morphological changes, coupled with serious differences between dialects, while the Chinese characters are ideographic in nature can be adapted to these characteristics to meet the communication needs. So the character itself has become a major feature in Chinese culture [2] (362). The question is how the Chinese word was made of. The answer is that the Chinese characters are separate from Chinese words. Although people are creating new characters, the number of the characters is definitive. But the structure of Chinese new words is infinite. Word form of Chinese character is more fixed, unlike English which can be varied. Now, modern Chinese and English are similar in expanding the vocabulary by synthetic method, so the capability of the creating new vocabulary combined by the characters and words. By contrast, characters and words are not separated in English. Or we can say, there are no characters but words in English. 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com , their meanings are quite narrow, more precise, fixed. For this reason, the flexibility of narrowing or enlarging meaning is small; the meaning of a Chinese word usually not varied from context [1] (26). For this reason, the vacancy in vocabulary in the process of bilingual changing appeared and the information of this feature with their cultural background which is inseparable.
  Besides, there are some new terms with Chinese characteristics emerging since the founding of new China, such as “人民公社” (the People’s Commune), “文化大革命” (Cultural Revolution), “赤脚医生” (barefoot doctor). It is particular true since the reform and opening-up. More new terms with Chinese characteristics continue to emerge. It has been involving in economic, political cultural and educational fields. From the term “改革开放” (the reform and opening up), “家庭联产承包制”(the household contract responsibility system), “下岗工人” (the laid off workers)to the term “农民工”(farmer worker) and “三个代表的重要思想” (important thought of Three Represents), they are all the terms with Chinese characteristics. The main characteristics of these terms are as follows——simple, popular and distinctive. Although these terms with Chinese characteristics were not understood by the English-speaking people, as our prosperity of economy and culture and the improvement of our overall national strength, they are eager to learn more about China and begin to accept the terms with Chinese characteristics which do not exist in their language.
3.2Methods of Translating Terms with Chinese Characteristics
3.2.1 Transliteration
  The definition of transliteration in Chinese is translating the pronunciation of names of a country, people, places or other nouns into the pronunciation of other countries and nations. While the foreign scholars put the interpretation of translating the pronunciation of the words or alphabets in one language into those in another language [5] From the definition of transliteration and compared with other methods, transliteration is a method often used in translating the terminology of professional and technical terms, names of people, places and commodity introduced from foreign countries. Moreover, in the process of bilingual transformation, the method of transliteration can completely and obviously reserve the original pronunciation, which sounds particularly familiar. For example, “tea”, spread through out the world from China, is known around the world. The pronunciation of “tea” in English is originated in the pronunciation of Fujian dialect of the southern part in China [2]369. There are many examples of transliteration, such as “won ton” (which is written in Chinese is “馄饨”), “yamen”(衙门), “mafoo”(马夫), “xiucai”(秀才), etc. In this way, while maintaining the semantic characteristics of Chinese culture to draw the reader’s attention, it can also conform to the target language. However, transliteration does not always work in translating terms with Chinese characteristics.本文来自优*文~论-文^网
3.2.2 Literal Translation
  What is literal translation? There is no definition of literal translation currently, but there is a saying that on the premise of without prejudice to the target language norms, and without causing error association, the original content and form, in particular referring to the original metaphor, images and local feature, should be maintained in target language [6].The aim of literal translation is to keep the same content and form from source language to target language. For example, “铁饭碗” is translated into “iron rice bowl”, “红包” into “red packet”, “开放政策” into “open-door policy”, “乡镇企业” into “township and village enterprises”, “黑市” into “black market”, etc. These translations not only keep the original form, but also the original metaphor. But we must notice that this method often lead the translator to the loophole of the literal translation, which makes the translation stereotyped. So we should use this method accordingly.
3.2.3 Free Translation毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
  Free translation, simply, regardless of the original figure of speech and others, translates the meaning of the source language [7]. For example, “专有技术” is

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