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建筑设计英文文献及翻译 第2页
蒙脱土的主要成分是FEBEX膨润土,包含两级储层非均质性。首先,一点点的钾是结构性的固定这层附属部件(如高层电荷)(夸德罗斯和利纳雷斯,1995年)。实际上化学反应并不显著,因为K+与复杂的交换不相关。其次,不同的阳离子交换 (主要是钙、镁、钠在合适的比例)通过交换反应将改变他们的在地球化学环境下的分布,因此也是碱性羽局部控制间隙水组成。
考虑到平衡,能够logK-Temperature函数上的一点的值(logK1 = -52.3时,温度为80℃)。
Eur.J.Mineral.2009,21,177–191 Published online November 2008
Modelling concrete interaction with a bentonite barrier
1Institut fu¨r Geologie,Universita¨t Bern,Baltzerstrasse 1–3,CH-3012 Bern,Switzerland
*Corresponding author,e-mail:raul.fernandez@geo.unibe.ch
2Departamento Quimica Agricola,Geologiay Geoquimica,Facultad de Ciencias,Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Campus Cantoblanco,28049 Madrid,Spain
Abstract:The concrete–bentonite interface has been studied under the geochemical conditions expected in a repository for high-level radioactive waste.The alkaline conditions emanating from concrete will modify the mineralogy,pH and cation exchange properties of bentonite.The reactive transport geochemical model CrunchFlow was used to simulate column experiments with cement mortar in contact with compacted bentonite carried out at laboratory scale for a period of one year at 25 C and 120 C.The thermodynamic data and compositional properties of the minerals involved have been selected and adapted where necessary.An important improvement,compared with previous work,is the inclusion of an extended formula for montmorillonite in the database that fits the experimentally determined composition of FEBEX bentonite,and this allowed to tie the exchangeable cations specifically to this mineral phase.Kinetic rate laws have been selected and evaluated at both temperatures to predict the system behaviour at long timescales(105years).
Results predict the precipitation of hydroxides,zeolites,secondary clay minerals and cement hydration phases in bentonite with different distributions as a function of time and temperature.The predicted alteration produced at long timescales is not very significant under the boundary conditions of the modelling.The expected extension of significant mineralogical changes in the bentonite barrier is in the order of a few centimetres from the concrete interface,leaving the bulk of the bentonite unchanged in its barrier function.
Key-word :bentonite,alkaline plume,reactive tansporte modelling,CrunchFlow,
Many countries consider deep geological disposal for high-level radioactive waste,whereby a multiple-barrier system has to ensure waste isolation for 105–106 years.Several designs include substantial amounts of concrete(for support and as a buffer)and a  engineered barrier system(EBS,e.g.,made from compacted bentonite)hosted in either claystone or crystalline basement rock .Hyper alkaline pore waters emanating from the outer concrete shell will interact both inward with the bentonite barrier surrounding the metal canisters,but also outward with the host rock environment.
The peak of the thermal pulse emitted from the waste canister is reduced by interim surface storage(50–100years).Most current repository designs limit the expected maximum temperature at the canister–bentonite interface to 100 C(Villar et al.,2006).The thermal pulse decays after a few 100 years,long before radionuclides are expected to be released as a 无耻悲鄙下流的网.学,网总是抄优|文,论-文.网 Typical dimensions are 0.90 m for canister diameter,and 0.75 m for the radial
thickness of the bentonite overpack(ENRESA,1997).
Concrete pore waters originating from a Portland cement have high alkalinity(hyper

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