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绩效管理英文文章及翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-7-27:  来源:毕业论文
绩效管理英文文章及翻译 第5页
strategy can be selected once the performance units are defined and their performance charters developed.
The alternative approaches to rewards (pay for the job held; pay for the individual's capabilities; pay for results) can also be evaluated. Finally, the staffing, rewards and development strategies can be integrated with each other to ensure that they fit with and support the overall human resource strategy.论文网http://www.chuibin.com
It should be emphasized that the performance model of an organization may look very much like the organizational chart or may bear little resemblance to it, depending on the formal structure. If business units have been created, with self-contained staff functions, the similarity may be great. If, on the other hand, the structure is based on centralized corporate management, performance units may have entirely different boundaries than units in the formal structure.
The performance model will also be changeable. Task forces will be formed and dismantled, staff functions will be shifted around to better serve customers, business units will be reshaped to fit the markets served and to better provide products/services. If these changes are ignored for the sake of administrative convenience, it will diminish clarity of purpose and reduce the benefits derived from having articulated objectives. Regrettably, this reality brings to mind the sign in Gold's Venice Gym "No Pain, No Gain.
Satisfaction a primary objective
A performance charter can be fashioned to produce a focus on customer satisfaction. (See Exhibit 2.) Here performance is defined and evaluated by the customers who directly feel the impact of the unit's performance.
A first step is to identify the external and internal customers of each performance unit. The human resource unit, for example, has each employee and every organizational unit as a customer of sorts. Other staff units such as finance, data processing and purchasing would typically identify specific organizational units as customers. The line functions such as sales, manufacturing and sales service would have external customers, whether these be individual consumers or other organizations.
One way to keep the 本文来自优*文~论-文^网of each unit. When numerous external consumers are involved (a hospital's past, current and potential patients, for example), it may be necessary to develop a sampling frame which results in a manageable number of customers but which provides a valid cross-section.
After these critical customers are identified, the next step is to define what customers need and expect from the unit, then to develop a method of measuring what the customers actually get. Many organizations are beginning to realize their policies and procedures prescribe rigid courses of action for specific sets of circumstances and that these plans can go haywire if customers react differently than assumed or change their needs and/or priorities.
This growing realization is the result of many painful errors. U.S. auto manufacturers continued to push big cars at consumers, assuming the small-car buying binge was a temporary fad. Industrial suppliers often provide only standard catalogue items which can be created in long, efficient production runs, even while customers increasingly demand rapid access to customized products and/or services. The same type of error is repeated by many employers who offer their standard jobs to the labor force (customers)and their remedy for a bad person-job fit is to impose the standard training programs on the worker.论文网http://www.chuibin.com
The sales personnel is the real estate enterprise realizes the value to be most important the auxiliary booster, because the sales work is extremely laborious, the sales personnel is withstanding the average man unendurable pressure and the pain, caused this profession to appear the high reward, the high personnel were mobile; the unusual economic phenomena. How maintains the sales personnel's good point of view, the maintenance sale team relatively stable, sells the difficult problem which manager and the enterprise must be solve .
The function standard is sells manager to the sales personnel job performance expectation and the request. Carries on the examination and critique take the duty standard as the criterion is the objective examination and critique, he and work direct correlation. The considerable examination and critique method use target has three big kinds: Delivers the target (order form number, customer number and so on), the investment target (sale access,

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