认知风格与附带词汇习得的实证性研究 第2页
The subjects of this study were non-English major freshmen from Henan University of Science and Technology. To ensure that the subjects have the similar language proficiency, a vocabulary size test was firstly carried out for placement. 235 students in six classes took part in the Vocabulary Levels Test. They came from three different major, that is, computer, international trade and electronic information. They were then classified into two levels of groups according to their scores. 125 students whose scores are above the average score belong to the high level group, while 110 students below the average score belong to the low level group. Students from the high level group are chosen as the subjects in this study. All the subjects were native speakers of Chinese and also learners of English as a foreign language. The subjects included 72 males and 53 females, aging from 18 to 22.
The study was conducted over a period of 4 weeks. In the first week, CSFT and SLTAT were administered to subjects to assess their field sensitivity and degree of ambiguity tolerance.
In the second week, the treatment was conducted. Firstly, the reading materials on separate paper were handed out, the subjects were told to read the story just for pleasure, but not permitted to refer to the dictionary or other students. Immediately after the collecting of the last sheet, an unexpected vocabulary test of 12 target words was administered. The test lasted for ten minutes. Subjects were told not to look up the words in a dictionary or discuss with classmates during or after the test.
Two weeks later, the delayed post-test was administered to the subjects. The two-week interval was set with the purpose of reducing subjects’ impression of the tested words, to ensure that the gain of word knowledge attributed to the treatment. The format was similar to that of immediate post-test, but the word order was different. The time for the test was also ten minutes. The delayed post-test papers were scored in the same way as the immediate post-test papers.
The collected questionnaires and vocabulary testing papers were marked and carefully checked. Out of the 125 subjects, 5 were excluded from analyses because they didn’t complete all the tests, thus leaving a total number of 120 subjects. All the data and scores were then put into computer and analyzed with the SPSS 12.0 statistics software package.
On the basis of the data analysis, we draw the following conclusions:
1) The examination of the 120 subjects’ scores of FD/I and IVA reveals that there is a significant and positive correlation between students’ FD/I and their performance in IVA. Learners with a higher FI degree are more likely to acquire words incidentally through reading, and only learners of low degree of ATI achieve poorly in IVA, learners of medium and high AT achieve equally in two vocabulary tests.
2) The variance of ambiguity tolerance has a significant effect on IVA in immediate post-test, but no significant differences between AT/I groups in their IVA scores in delayed post-test.
3) The present research makes an attempt to describe the difference in FDI/ATI between effective learners and ineffective learners. The researcher found that students with higher FI or AT tend to gain more vocabulary knowledge incidentally from reading.
The results of this chapter provide evidence that FD/I and AT/I are related to the incidental vocabulary acquisition achievement. IVA is commonly influenced by individual learner factors: motivation, cultural background, cognitive style and so on. FD/I and AT/I are just components of these aspects and two of the most important cognitive style dimensions. The findings show that cognitive style has great influence upon incidental vocabulary acquisition, which enrich the research on the relationship between cognitive style and incidental vocabulary acquisition.
Different degree of field independence can generate different achievement for language learning. Learners of medium and high degrees of field independence achieve similarly in two post-tests, only the learners of low degree of field-independent are at disadvantage. Since lowly field-independent learners are so likely to be influenced by the learning situation that they are at disadv毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com antages when confronted with unknown words during reading. Except the extreme low degree of independence, learners of other field independence degrees have their own flaws and strengths. Namely, at the same English language proficiency level, LFI learners tend to perform worse than other learners in IVA.
In specific, this result can be explained through comparing CSFT and IVA process. During the process of IVA, readers need to make references abou本文来自优文论文网原文请找QQ752018766 t the unfamiliar words they meet, which requires the learners to seek relevant information (cues) from the context so as to close up the information gap. In most cases, the cues are always embedded in the contexts and readers need to locate the cues by perceptual and analytic skills. As we know, in CSFT, field independent persons are more skillful than field dependent ones in locating a simple figure from a complex figure in which it is embedded. Then, it is easy to understand that FI learners are more skillful in locating the cues from the contexts in which they embedded. In other words, CSFT and IVA both require learners to be field independent in perceiving and analyzing information. It is therefore accountable that FI learners generally outperformed FD learners on IVA.
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