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Physical and chemical interactions in coal flotation
Coal flotation is a complex process involving several phases (particles, oil droplets and air bubbles). These phases simultaneously interact with each other and with other species such as the molecules of a promoting reagent and dissolved ions in water. The physical and chemical interactions determine the outcome of the flotation process. Physical and chemical interactions between fine coal particles could lead to aggregation, especially for high rank coals. Non-selective particle aggregation could be said to be the main reason for the selectivity problems in coal flotation. It should be a本文来自优文论文网原文请找QQ752018766ddressed by physical (conditioning) or chemical (promoters) pretreatment before or during flotation. Although the interactions between the oil droplets and coal particles are actually favored, stabilization of the oil droplets by small amounts of fine hydrophobic particles may lead to a decrease in selectivity and an increase in oil consumption. These problems could be remedied by use of promoters that modify the coal surface for suitable particle–particle, droplet–particle and particle–bubble contact while emulsifying the oil droplets. The role of promoters may be different for different types of coals, however. They could be employed as modifiers to increase the hydrophobicity of low rank coals whereas their main role might be emulsification and aggregation control for high rank coals. In this paper, a detailed description of the various phases in coal flotation, their physical and chemical interactions with each other in the flotation pulp, the major parameters that affect these interactions and how these interactions, in turn, influence the flotation process are discussed.
Author Keywords: coal; flotation; aggregation
1. Introduction
Conventional froth flotation for fine coal cleaning suffers mainly from two problems: (i) a lack of selectivity for fast floating high rank coals due to the flotation of middlings and entrainment of mineral fines in the froth, and (ii) low recoveries for heavily oxidized or low rank coals due to poor adhesion between bubbles and particles. These shortcomings can be addressed appreciably by selection of better process control and by use of multi-stage flotation circuits [Olson and Aplan, 1984 and Arnold, 2000], which, in turn, requires a good understanding of the roles and behavior of various components in the flotation pulp and the mechanisms involved.
In this paper, a detailed description of the various phases in the coal flotation pulp, their interactions with each other and how these interactions affect the flotation process are discussed.
2. Disperse phases in coal flotation
There are three dispersed phases that constitute flotation pulp: coal particles, oil droplets and air bubbles. These phases interact in water as the medium through various sub-processes during flotation which are identified in Fig. 1. Several parameters affect these sub-processes and hence the outcome of the flotation process. These parameters are divided into four groups as illustrated in Fig. 2. These are: material, chemical, operational and equipment parameters. The parameters that might fluctuate and need adjustment on a regular basis (e.g. daily) are referred to as Level I parameters. Those that are set during the design stage or after a major renovation are referred to as Level II parameters. Some parameters 1413