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关于圣经的论文 第4页

更新时间:2010-6-25:  来源:毕业论文
under the umbrella of Taiwan Bible Society (T.B.S.), representatives from Catholic, Presbyterian and Baptist churches gathered to discuss the necessity and possibility of a union Chinese version which could be accepted by both Catholic and Protestant churches in China. T.B.S. declared that the union Bible version in question aimed not to replace the versions which each church preferred to use, but rather to reach Chinese non-Christians who represent over 90% of the population. In June 1968 in London, the Union Bible Society and the Secretary Office of Promoting Christians' Unity in the Vatican issued a document in five languages named "Guiding Principles for Inter-Confessional Cooperation in Translating the Bible".(赵文本,1993). After this agreed-on document, a preparation committee for translating a Chinese union Bible was formed.
The translating work began in 1971.Working staff included: an editorial committee which consisted of Moses Hstl(许牧世),Chow Lien-Hwa(周联华),Martin Wang(王成章),I-Jin Loh(骆文仁)and Evelyn Chiao(焦明)and a review committee composed of eight Bible scholars. The revised text would be sent back to the translator to be fixed as the final text. Three scholars of the review committee were Catholic. The Bible Societies of Hong Kong and Taiwan published the TCV in the :following order: the Good News (the Four Gospels《佳音》),the Good News for Today's People (the NT《给现代人的福音》)in 1975, Today's Chinese Version (the OT and the NT) in 1979, and a bilingual version of the TCV and TEV (Today's English Version) in 1989.As for the why the U.B.S. decided to retranslate the Bible, Moses Hsu gave four reasons in his sermon at the service held for the publication in 1980: First, there is an inevitable deficiency in Chinese language use by the foreign missionaries. Second, the Chinese vernacular has undergone much change in the past sixty years. The CUV was translated during the initial period of Chinese vernacular use, and for many years after that classical and vernacular Chinese had been used together. Third, language change is a reflection of social changes. Since Chinese society has undergone great change in the past sixty years, so has the Chinese language. Fourth, due to the development of archeology in the 201h century, several transcripts of earlier times have been found, which provide more reliable documents for the interpretation and rendering of the Bible. (translated by the author,许牧世,1982)
It was due to these reasons that U.B.S. decided to produce a new Chinese Bible version in the most popular language" to "make God's Word closely related wi
1.3 Relevance- Adaptation Theoretical Approach to Translation
As we know relevance plays a very important role in translation. Therefore it is also inevitable that we should use this theory in Bible translation.
Extent condition 1: an assumption is relevant in a context to the extent that its contextual effects in this context are large.
Extent condition 2: an assumption is relevant in a context to the extent that the effort required to process it in this context is small. (1986a:125,italics as in original ).
Thus we see firstly that relevance is dependent on the interplay of two factors :contextual effects and processing effort .Secondly ,since both these factors are context-dependent ,the notion of relevance itself is context-dependent ,too .As we shall see later ,this is an important point for understanding the nature of translation .Thirdly ,relevance is a comparative notion-utterance can vary according to the degree of relevance they achieve in some context .
The central claim if relevance theory is that human communication crucially creates an expression of optimal relevance, that is, an expression on the part of the hearer that this attempt at interpretation will yield adequate contextual effects at minimal cost .This fact is believed to be part of our phychology, and is expressed in relevance theory as the principle of relevance.
Principle of relevance
Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance (Sperber and Wilson 1986a:158) Thus wheneve毕业论文http://www.chuibin.comr someone shows that he wishes to communicate, he implicitly and automatically conveys the assumption that the hearer can expect to derive adequate contextual effects without spending unnecessary effort. As Sperber and Wilson show ,this assumption has an important consequence for the theory of utterance interpretation :the hearer has the right to assume that the first interpretation he arrives at that a rational speaker might have expected to yield adequate contextual effects ,and to put the hearer to no unjustifiable processing effort in obtaining those effects is the interpretation intended by the communication .Such an interpretation ,according to Sperber and Wilson ,is consistent with the principle of relevance .And this is the answer of relevance theory as to how hearers can infer what the intended interpretation or meaning of an utterance :it is the interpretation that is consistent with the principle of relevance ,and there is never more than one interpretation that fulfills this condition .
The expression ‘adequate to the occasion is important because there is no absolute level of relevance that is adequate to every occasion ;thus when engaging in a friendly chat with a stranger at a bus stop one could not normally be expecting a high degree of relevance ,hence could not be looking for a wide range of contextual effects. By contrast, when listening to a paper given by a leading scholar in one’s field of study, one could expect a much greater number of contextual effects ,and would also be prepared to invest more processing effort to recover them ,perhaps even  a read a book written by that scholar in order to understand better what she said .
It is left to communicator to make the correct assumptions about the code and contextual information that the audience will have accessible and he likely to use in the comprehension process. The responsibility for avoiding misunderstanding also lies with the speaker, so that all the hearer has to do is go ahead and use whatever code and contextual information come most easily to hand.(Sperber and Wilson 1986a:43)
The fulfillment of this condition is crucial, since the audience has no other means by

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