As classical scripture of Christianity, the history of Bible translation is accordingly essential components of western civilization. As it is, the thousands of years of Bible translation practice in China have produced considerable influences on Chinese culture.
Compared with the study of the same area abroad, Chinese Bible translation began much earlier but made less progress. As the survey shows, different problems exist in the present versions, which either hinder or mislead readers' understanding of the Bible. Many scholars just described the ideology of and some only view as a pure literary work. However, Nida's dynamic equivalence theory has been repeatedly applied as prototype of strategy in Bible translation. It should be self-evident that translation activities inevitably take place within language systems and therefore they must be governed and bound by linguistic property shared across human languages. Unfortunately, few Chinese scholars devoted to Bible translation have ever attempted discussing the translation analysis and exploring the related strategy in the domain of the linguistics, let alone pragmatics.
The new approach attempts to investigate the Chinese Bible translation in the perspective of linguistics and explain how the translator's mental processing faculties work when interpreting source language and reproducing the language under the Relevance-Adaptation theory. RT (relevance theory) gives theoretical support to the translator's interpretation of the original discourse, while AT (adaptation theory) offers theoretical insights into the translator's adaptations when making linguistic choices to communicate with the target audiences. By combining their respective strong points, this paper tentatively proposes the RATA in order to account for the process of Chinese Bible translation.
The primary purpose of this study is to apply a Relevance-Adaptation Theoretical Approach (RATA) to explore the Bible translation strategies by analyzing Chinese Union Version (CUV) and Today's Chinese Version (TCV). Theoretically, the study tries to enrich the related linguistic studies and show the inseparable relation between translation research and linguistic study. Since there is too much inadequacy that misleads the readers, there is an urgent call for this paper to draw more attention to revise and prompt a better translation.
Methodologically speaking, this thesis is of qualitative analysis, which integrates the explanation and the application of RATA theory. And it is data-driven and theory-driven at the same. The author adopts "comparison analysis" across different versions so as to derive the theoretical Relevance-Adaptation Theoretic Approach. Then with the help of the examplary demonstration in CUV and TCV, this thesis uses step-by -step measure to investigate the translation strategies.
In a word, in order to get a better translation , a translation of the bible must not only provide information which people can understand but must present the message in such a way that people can feel its relevance (the expressive element in communication) and then respond to it in action (the imperative function). (Nida & Taber, 1974, P.24)
Chapter One The Bible and Bible Translation in China
1.1 Influence of the Bible
The Bible, as the sacred book of Christianity, is one of the origins of Western culture. It is a collection of 66 books altogether: the first 39 books compose the Old Testament (the OT); and the rest comprise the New Testament (the NT). (Easton's Bible Dictionary) defines the Bible as follows:
Bible, the English form of the Greek name "Biblia", means "books", the bible which in the fifth century began to be given to the entire collection of sacred books, the "Library of Divine Revelation". The name Bible was adopted by Wycliffe, and came gradually into use in English language. The Bible consists of 66 different books, composed by many different writers, in three different languages, under different circumstances; writers of almost every social rank, statesmen and peasants, kings, herdsmen, fishermen, priests, tax-gatherers, tentmakers; educated and uneducated, Jews and Gentiles; most of them unknown to each other, and writing at various periods during the space of about 1600 years: and yet, after all, it is only one book dealing with only one subject in its numberless aspects and relations, the subject of man's redemption.
As mentioned above, this unparalleled book was written in 3 languages, namely Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, and was penned by more than 40 authors from every walk of life, including leader (Moses), kings (King David and Solomon of Israel), prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, etc.), tax collector (Matthew), fishermen (Peter, John), doctor (Luke), rabbi (Paul), etc. The OT 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.comand professions living in different times, all the books in the Bible maintain a remarkable harmony and miraculous consistency in its message: namely" the subject of man's redemption."(Easton’s Bible Dictionary).
The Bible is inarguably the most influential collection of books in human history. More copies of the Bible have been distributed than that of any other book. The Bible has also been translated more times and into more languages than any other book. It is estimated that approximately 60 million copies of the complete Bible or significant portions thereof are distributed annually.
The Bible has had a tremendous influence not just on religion, but on language, law and culture as well, particularly in Europe and North America. Nowadays, many people around the world, whether they are believers or not, all know about the Bible. Apart from those devotees, there are also a lot of people who would like to read the Bible on account of their own interests, for the Bible is, not only a collection of books which "reveals the history of how God interacted with his people, but also a great literature appreciated by people who study history, culture, even language from it.
For centuries, the Bible has been passed down and read by generation after generation and has received great respect by both Christians and non-Christians alike. Its significance
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