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更新时间:2010-6-25:  来源:毕业论文

Abstract Bible translation constitutes a key part in the history of Chinese translation. However, Bible translation in China has undergone twists and bounds due to historic and political factors that resulted in plentiful evidence of inadequacy in the existing Chinese versions of Bible. The scholars mainly made efforts to describe the ideology of scripture itself in terms of religion or view the Bible as a pure literary work. And Nida's dynamic equivalence theory has been repeatedly applied as prototype of strategy in translating.
Thus a gain of regretful knowledge of existing problems and clear deficiency shown through previous Bible translation practice, the author takes the ambition to try a new approach inspired from and guided by Sperber's and Wilson's Relevance Theory and Verschueren's Adaptation Theory. For convenience, the author prefers to give the Approach the name RATA (Relevance and Adaptation Theoretical Approach). In implementation, the theoretical framework aims at objectively describing translation process as well as evaluating results of translation in view of Chinese Union Version (CUV) and Today's Chinese Version (TCV). Productively, the paper takes samples from CUV and TCV as targets for analysis, thus to find instances of errors, mistakes or inadequacy, to prove the usefulness of RATA. And there is an urgent cal that it is important to revise the Bible. The conclusion of the thesis is to point out the findings and limitations of RATA applied into the Bible translating process, and restate that during the Bible translation the translator should take relevance as his criterion, adaptation as his method under the guidance of RATA.
Key words: Bible translation; RATA; CUV; TCV; strategy
摘  要
《圣经》汉译是中国翻译史不可或缺的有机组成。然而,由于历史和政治的原因,《圣经》。汉译存在着诸多错误与不足。古往今来的学者要么从宗教的角度研究基督教教义与《圣经》经文,要么从纯文学的角度注重《圣经》的文学阐释,再者就是老生本文来自优文论文网常谈的奈达动态对等理论在《圣经》汉译的反复体现。 基于上述问题及研究缺口,本文在Sperber和Wilson的关联理论和Verschueren的顺应论的基础上尝试一种新的视角来描述翻译过程和评价翻译结果。本文借助((圣经》和合本和现代中文译本的例证分析,认为关联与顺应理论对于指导《圣经》汉译具有可行性,并尝试用该理论审视两个译本中存在的缺陷,以此呼吁《圣经》重译的重要性和紧迫性。本文主要结论是指出关联理论和顺应理论在解释翻译现象时都各自存有局限,二者相结合的“关联一顺应研究路向”理论较准确完整地指导《圣经》汉译过程。在此过程中 ,译者应该主观上把握视关联为目的,顺应为方法的翻译策略。
Introduction 1
Chapter One The Bible and Bible Translation in China 2
1.1 influence of the bible 2
1.2 Introducton to Bible Translation —CUV and TCV 3
1.3 Relevance- Adaptation Theoretical Approach to Translation 5
Chapter Two Study of CUV and TCV under RATA 9
2.1 Criticisms on CUV and TCV 9
2.1.1Criticism on CUV 9
2.1.2 Criticism on TCV 9
2.2 Non-linguistic Rendering in Social-cultural Context 10
2.2.1 Rendering of Theological Addressing 10
2.2.2 Rendering of Proper Names and Gender Identities 12
2.2.3 Rendering of Historical Settings 14
2.2.4 The Rendering of Religious Terms 14
2.3 Choice-making in Rendering Linguistic Context 15
2.3.1 Choice-making Rendering of Sound Level 15
2.3.2 Choice-making Ren毕业论文http://www.chuibin.comring at Clause Level 17
Chapter Three Enlightenment of RATA on Bible Translation 20
3.1 The Guidance of RATA to Bible Translation 20
3.2 Limitations of the Present Study 21
Conclusion 22
Acknowledgements 23
Bibliography 1376

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