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看不见的人布鲁斯分析 第5页

更新时间:2010-6-24:  来源:毕业论文
看不见的人布鲁斯分析 第5页
and for liberation and the awakening of self-identity.
6.1 The Spirit of Rebellion for Liberation
Invisible Man is a story of a young black man struggling to survive and succeed in finding self-identity in a society that is full of racial discrimination against black people. The nameless narrator is an invisible man as for the people refuses to see him as a human being. Under such social circumstance, the narrator goes through a painful life from blind ignorance to enlightened awareness. He struggles to make himself visible among the white society. The narrator’s rebellion of the painful life that he suffers is a typical reflection of millions of Afro-Americans.
“In our society, it is not unusual for a Negro to experience a sensation that he does not exist in the real world at all. He seems rather to exist in the nightmarish fantasy of the white American mind as a phantom that the white mind seeks unceasingly, by means both crude and subtle, to slay”(Ellison 2005). The narrator in Invisible Man experiences his nightmarish journey from his high school and college days in the south to his harrowing life in the North to pursue his “American dream”. But because of this prejudice and racism against Afro-Americans, the narrator is seen invisible and ignored by the white. His wish to return to his love college and his “American dream” are destroyed. But on the other hand, because of this prejudice and racism, the narrator awakens and rebels to this unfair society to establish his self-identity and pursue his liberation and freedom.
In the epilogue, the narrator lives in an underground hole. He rethinks his painful past experience and awakens to establish his self-identity. He begins to rebel. He wants to adopt a moderate way to realize himself in the society. But this is not suggested nor written how his fights the unfair system. But it can be read between the lines that he will do his action in a non-violent way.

“So now 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/disarmed myself in the process. You won’t believe in my invisibility and you’ll fail to see how any principle that applies to you could apply to me. You’ll fail to see it even though death waits for both of us if you don’t. Nevertheless, the very disarmament has brought me to a decision. The hibernation is over. I must shake off the old skin and come up for the breath.” (Ellison 2005)

After suffering the painful experience, the narrator makes a decision to begin a new life. In his underground hole, there are 1936 light bulbs to fill his hole with light. This is symbolized the process of intellectual enlightenment. He lives in the hole with the free light. The narrator’s hibernation in the hole seems to be a preparation for action.

“I am coming out, on less invisible without it, but coming out nevertheless. And I suppose it’s damn well time. Even hibernations can be overdone, come to think of it. Perhaps that’s my greatest social crime, I’ve overstayed my hibernation, since there’s a possibility that even an invisible man has a socially responsible role to play.”(Ellison 2005)

The spirit of rebellion and the demand for liberation and freedom drive the narrator to face his new life. This spirit and demand give the narrator power and本文来自优文论文网 courage to fight against the difficulties. 
6.2 The Spirit of Awakening of Self Identity
“What did I do to be so black and blue?” Hearing Louis Armstrong’s song, the narrator of Invisible Man thinks of his past painful life. Because of the skin color, has he to suffer the blueness of pain? At every difficult situation, the blues music helps the narrator to get through the hard time and reminds the narrator to his own culture and identity. It awakens the narrator to establish his self-identity
At the beginning, the narrator hates the black culture and tries to reject his black heritage. He is ashamed of his parents for being as slaves. He believes the white will help the black out of the dark situation. He totally accepts the white values and reveres the white as god. He behaves as the white tell him to do. He admires Dr. Bledsoe, the president of the college. He wants to be a successful person as Dr. Bledsoe. In the novel, the narrator says:

“He was the example of everything I hoped to be: Influential with wealthy men all over the country; consulted in matters concerning the race; a leaser of his people;

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