本论文将揭示小说借助音乐形式和布鲁斯所代表的神韵来表达主题,首先,本论文向读者介绍了拉尔夫 艾里森的背景以及布鲁斯的相关知识。接着本文来自优文论文网探讨在《看不见的人》中体现出来的布鲁斯神韵。通过分析小说中布鲁斯的特点和主人公的痛苦经历,分析布鲁斯文本在字里行间体现出的一种反抗的精神以及追求自由和确立自我身份的愿望的表现形式。从而突出了美国黑人对艰苦生活的反抗和在压迫中自我觉醒的民族精神。小说还分析了对布鲁斯歌词的运用。
关键词:布鲁斯 美国黑人 自我身份 觉醒
1. Introduction
The blues is a kind of music with strong Afro-American trait. It is an important part of Afro-American’s culture. It expresses the painful and bitter oppression of black American. The blues is a unique music of Afro-American. It is not only a kind of music but also a voice of their rebellion of the hardship that they suffer. The spirit of the blues is a kind of rebellion of the painful life, a demand for liberation and an awakening of establishing self-identity. In Invisible Man, the author not only mixes the feature of the blues, but also shows the spirit of the blues to celebrate the spirit of Afro-American and their special culture. It is like a record of the blues yelling for liberation and freedom from pains and sadness.
Ellison once acclaimed: “In the swift whirl of time, music is a constant, reminding us of what we were and of that toward which we aspire. Art thou troubled? Music will not calm, it will ennoble thee ” (Ellison 2005). Because the love of music, Ralph 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/a further understanding of the spirit and culture of Afro-American.
Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man is one of the most important and influential novels in American literature in the 20th century. In his novel Invisible Man, he creatively mixes the characteristic of traditional Afro-American music in the novel, especially the blues and jazz. Invisible Man can be considered as a piece of blues yelling for Afro-American’s predicament because both the language and structure of the novel have a distinctive feature of the blues. The spirit of the blues can be read between the lines.
Invisible Man is a record of a black young man’s journey from the South to the North, from naïve to mature and from ignorance to enlightenment. Throughout his life, the black young man is ignored by others. This leads him to an unhappy life. He is full of illusions, because he refuses to accept his past, his heritage, and refuses to ask himself “who am I and what do I want?” He claims that he is invisible because others ignore his existence, and he also accepts this situation. But after suffering the painful experience, the narrator awakes to rebel the painful life and establishes his self-identity.
The novel is narrated as a blues and it expresses in the style of call-and-response. In the blues of the novel, the spirit of liberal and rebellion in quest of self-identity is indicative. The narrator likes to listen to Louis Armstrong songs and at most of the hard time, he hears the blues to get himself through. The blues play an effective role in the novel and the spirit of the blues gives the narrator power and courage to go forward in his painful life. The spirit of rebellion against the painful life and the awakening of establishing self-identity are derived from their struggle of oppression and discrimination.
In the past 20 years, many editors named Invisible Man as the most distinguished novel. Professor Arnold Rampersad says: “I think Ralph Ellison and Invisible Man will continue to hang in there and to deliver its particular message, which I personally find ennobling and realistic”(Sanford 2002). Many researchers did studies on Invisible Man, such as race problem, symbols and symbolism, language of the novel, black music, and so on. But few people made studies on the music used in Invisible Man.
2. Literature Review
Invisible Man is the first novel by a black author to win the National Book Award of Fiction. After the publication of Invisible Man in 1952, it has been translated into 14 languages. And many critics and editors named it the most distinguished novel in the past 20 years. There have been many researches on the study of the race problem, symbols and symbolism, language of the novel, black music, and so on.
Scott Irwin published an article called “A bugler of words: Ellison’s musicality and the Jazz/blues Tradition in Invisible Man”. In this article, the author pointed out that the blues and jazz proved to be essential elements of the novel. Ellison relied upon jazz as a model for synthesizing classical and vernacular styles. Blues and jazz played a role of a musically inspired performance artist in speech and writing. (Irwin 2002)
Joby Taylor who is a 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ of Maryland Baltimore County, writes an essay called The Invisible Race: Understanding Whiteness and Unbecoming White. His paper presents conceptual and reflexive research into race problem and the exploration of invisibility and its inverse effect upon minorities and dominant generally and whiteness specially. (Taylor 2005)
In 2007, there is a study called Symbolism in Native Son and Invisible Man published in Journal of Yu Lin Teacher College, which is written by Huang Chun Ying. In the study, the 1374
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