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品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译 第6页

更新时间:2010-6-22:  来源:毕业论文
品牌管理参考文献及外文文献翻译 第6页
the brand strategy, with other professions in the technical application, the market introduction and the new product development aspect sought the product innovation union development together the path, to the chart got rid of the pure price competition the shackles, adapted under the new economic environment the market change.
    Enterprise in mature period because the competitor massively wells up into, therefore, through the establishment brand combination, implements the multi- brands strategy, can many seize the market as far as possible, avoids the risk. Implements the multi- brands, may enable each brand uniquely to occupy, the suitable position in the customer heart, caters to the different customer's taste, attracts more customers, can enable the enterprise to have the opportunity maximum limit to cover the market, enables the competitor to feel in each the barrier which subdivides the market the existing brand all is enters, thus limits competitor's expansion opportunity, effectively guaranteed the enterprise maintains a higher market to hold. But the enterpris本文源自优文论文网e implements the multi- brands, has the possibility to be able to face the danger which competes with oneself, snatches market share which the oneself original brand occupies. Therefore most has the result the multi- brands strategy is causes the new brand to infiltrate the market to subdivide after to subdivide in one by one the market. This kind of strategy premise is the market is may subdivide, a successful enterprise often can subdivide using the market, goes for the important new brand creation opportunity.
2.4 The decline time (two time starts an undertaking time) brand strategy.
    In this stage, the enterprise will be supposed to focus the future, the withdrawal decline time product competition, will invest the energy to two time starts an undertaking on. The enterprise may implement the brand reto locate, strategy and so on brand innovation reenters the market.
    One kind of brand the initial localization possibly is suitable, the success in the market, but possibly could not but relocate to afterwards the enterprise to it. The brand needs reto locate the reason is various, if the competitor possibly promotes the similar localization the brand, robs the enterprise the market share; The customer also can shift by chance, to enterprise brand representative’s product demand reduction; Or the enterprise decided enters newly subdivides the market. 毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/, locates again cross goes past in a big way, needs the cost to be higher. Next, must consider the brand locates the income which possibly produces after the new position. The income size is decides by the below factor: Some goal market customer population; Customer’s average purchase rate; In identical subdivides the market competitor’s quantity and the strength, as well as in should subdivide in the market the price which locates again for the brand must pay.
    Manages the environment along with the enterprise the change and the customer demand change. The brand connotation and the manifestation also must unceasingly change the development, to moderately complied with the consumer asks the psychology which newly strives for to change. The enterprise after enters the decline time, as a result of the interior and the external reason, the enterprise brand inevitably appears well-knownness, a fine reputation drop in the market competition, the sales volume, the market share reduces the phenomenon which and so on the brand loses, therefore only has unceasingly designs conforms to the time demand brand, the brand only then has the vitality. The brand innovation is the brand self- development inevitably request, overcomes the only way which the brand gets older. Modern society, technology advancement increasingly quick, some professions product life cycles more and more are also short, simultaneously, the society expends consciousness, the expense idea change frequency also gradually speeds up, this can affect the product market life. Therefore, must unceasingly renew the brand the connotation, the maintenance brand vitality. If the Coca-Cola, establishes from 1886 until now had more than 100 years history, it therefore could maintain prosperous, a very important reason is it unceasingly pours into the new connotation for own brand. It has until now used more than 30 advertisements subjects, more than 90advertisements slogans, the goal is, unceasingly adapts and meets the new need.

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