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文化意识与语言教学Cultural Awareness and Language Teaching 第5页

更新时间:2010-6-18:  来源:毕业论文
文化意识与语言教学Cultural Awareness and Language Teaching 第5页
curriculum, it reveals that what students have got is a kind of education of “cultural background knowledge” on Chinese or English rather than practical cross-cultural communication stimulation such as comparisons or contradictions between the two cultures.
Regardless of individual’s difference in language learning, most students hope to have a more communicative and interactive classroom learning environment. Moreover, language teachers are supposed to exert instructional strategies, such as using proverbs or films to promote and help students build up cultural and cross-cultural awareness.
 AppendixQuestionnaire Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1) The cultivation of English skills(reading, writing, speaking and listening) is the foundation of the language learning    
2) Reading English novels everyday is necessary    
3) It is important to acquire a good knowledge of native language in foreign language learning     
4) The accumulation of language and culture of Chinese and English are of equal importance    
5) It is necessary to read materials regularly about politics, economy, culture, and so on    
6) You have the interest and passion in English and language learning    
7) You would prefer to get an English-related job after graduation    
8) The present classroom teaching can cultivate your learning ability and improve your cross-cultural skills     9) You hope to have English class in various forms such as discussion, presentation, debate, performance and so on.  
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[6] Goodenough, W.H. Culture, Language, and Society[M]. London: the Benjamin Publishing Company (1981)
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[8] Hudson, G.. Essential Introductory Linguistics[N]. Blackwell Publishers (2000)
[9] Hymes, D.H. On Communicative Competence[A]. Philadelphia: University of Pensylvania Press (1971)
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[11] Stephens, J.L. Teaching Culture and Improving Language Skills Through A Cinematic Lens: A Course On Spanish Film in The Undergraduate Spanish Curriculum[J]. ADFL Bulletin, (2001)
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