Table3. Comparison between the Interviews and the Questionnaire
Positive 毕业论文
Foreign Language proficiency learning(reading, writing, speaking and listening) 83.88% 91.94%
Accumulation of culture 33.33% 98.98%
Mother tongue proficiency 16.67% 97.96%
From the table above, the comparison is very clear that, towards the same research content, interviewees’ responds vary when they are faced with different types of questions. The gap is especially seen on the accumulation of culture and native language proficiency. Compared with open-ended question in the interview, interviewees tend to hold a more supportive view on closed-ended questions in the questionnaire. In other word, most English major learners subjectively admit the importance of the accumulation of culture and native language proficiency, but the point is, not all of them have already obtained the awareness. However, two questions have been proposed from the comparison: ① Why English majors have not obtained the cultural awareness which should be tied up with language learning? ② Is that because they subjectively lack learning motivation or objectively, they lack timely and efficiently teachers’ cultural guidance?
3.2.2 Data Analysis on the Questionnaire (2)
This part of questionnaire (table4 in next page) mainly focuses on students’ attitudes towards learning motivation as well as classroom learning. Before the analysis is taken, a brief introduction on motivation can help to have a better understanding on the analysis.
1) Integrative motivation
Motivation has been identified as the learners’ orientation with regards to the goal of learning foreign language (Crookes and Schmidt. 1991). It is thought that students who are most successful in learning a target language are those who like the native language speakers, admire its culture and have a desire to become familiar with or even become integrated into the society in which the language is used (Falk. 1978). This form of motivation is known as integrative motivation.
. 2) Instrumental Motivation
In contrast to integrative motivation is the form of motivation which is known as instrumental motivation. This is generally characterized by the desire to obtain something practical from the study of foreign language (Hudson. 2000). With instrumental motivation, the purpose of study is more practical, such as meeting the requirements for college graduation, applying for a job and achieving higher social status.
Table4. Results of Questions 6-9 in Questionnaire
6) Your have the interest and passion in English and language learning 14.29% 61.22% 21.43% 3.06%
7) You would prefer to get an English-related job after the graduation 21.43% 66.33% 11.22% 1.02%
8) The present classroom teaching can cultivate your learning abilities and improve your cross-cultural skills 2.04% 7.14% 71.43% 19.39%
9) You hope to have English class in various forms such as discussion, presentation, debate, performance and so on. 25.51% 63.27% 9.18% 2.04%
As is shown in the table (results of questions 6 and 7), 75.51% (14.29%SA+61.22%A) of English majors have the interest and passion in language learning, and 87.76% (21.43%SA+66.33%A) of them would like to get an English related job in the future. According to the introduction of motivation, the answers to those two questions (questions 6 and 7) can 毕业论文 students’ cultural information input, questions 8 and 9 are designed and analyzed. 89.82% (71.43%D+19.39SD) of English majors do not think that the present classroom teaching can cultivate their learning abilities and improve their cross-cultural skills, whereas a total of 88.78% (25.51%SA+63.27%A) hope to have English class in various forms such as discussion, presentation, debate, performance and so on. It can be found that most English majors are not satisfied with the current classroom teaching. They hope to enjoy a more interactive and communicative teaching style. The traditional text-based grammatical and linguistic teaching could not meet the needs of the cultivation of communicative competence to some extent. What’s more important is that students are supposed to have a consciously as well as unconsciously cultural awareness promote by language teachers.
3.2.3 Data Analysis on Culture Curriculum
It is shown from the result of question 8 in the table above (table 4) that present foreign language teaching has not provided a satisfactory fruit on cultural awareness cultivation. A