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VC++即时通讯系统设计英文论文 第7页

更新时间:2010-6-17:  来源:毕业论文
 5.1 Conclusion
Our team has finished this Instant Messager, through over two month, because of the help of teacher and student, Mrs Sivagami, supply us with sufficient and valuable suggestion, we get the benefit of wide the conception and develop the consciousness from her.  So, we thank Mrs Sivagami from our soul.
In the first place, we developed our academic technology over this two month. Our knowledge structure more consummate compared with before time. At the same time, the practice ability is developed. In the second place, the process of doing this project enrich my knowledge that there is a long time when the knowledge from the book we are proficient in. how to use the knowledge in our practice is a significant thing. Furthermore, we convinced deeply that, any project we do, is not a easy thing, gaining from supply.
Through the development of this system, we know the flow about all the steps of this project, and get the systematic knowledge of the content we have know from class before.
The difficulties:
We have met the biggest problem is the defective of the academic knowledge. Because of the detail of the theory we are not proficient with, large number of block appears in the process. Otherwise, we find we are lack of patient and feel tired as the long time debugging.
1.  The bifurcation of program language we choose:
Although , we have learned C,C++,JAVA and other program language, but no one is pretty good and proficient. So, there are some bifurcations when we decide which language we choose, even some quarrels about which one to use of VB, VC, C++ and java. Finally, all of us decide to choose the VC++.

2. Difficulties in Practice:
Due to the first time we do our project, we are not proficient with the some aspects, especially the operation and use of Microsoft Visual C++.
The team spirit:
We are deeply conceived the potential powder of each team member, and the coordination for the same goal causes the strong powder of the whole team. If any tiny thing, any detail we are not complete good, it will infection the enthusiasm of the member. As an old saying goes, ”detail demand the success or failure”, one person, one team is also the same. If only emphasis the importance of hero spirit, the perfect did you display, it is also hard to create high value. So, we can declaim that “there is no perfect person, only perfect team”.  
5.2  Future Enhancement
Considering the extending of the application, the instant messager obligate the specific interface in the particular place. To prevent the impacting each other, we use different port for the text chat, audio chat and the file transfer. So this software has strong expansibility and robustly. It can add the video chatting to the application.
1. Name:   Programming Microsoft Visual C++ Fifth Edition
Author:   David J.Kruglinsk, Geoge Shepherd and Scot Wingo
Publishing company:   WP publisher & Distributors (p) Limited

2. Name:   Visual C++ 6: The Complete Reference
Author:   Chris H.Pappas and willian H.Murray,
Publishing company:   Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company Limited

3. Name:   Visual C++6 from the Ground up
Author:   John Paul Muller
Publishing company:  Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company Limited

4. Name:   Big C++
http://www.chuibin.com/:   Oregon State University

5. Name:   Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2005
Author:   Ivor Horton
Publishing company:   Wiley Publishing, Inc

6. Name:   Software Engineering Project Management Second Edition
Author:   Richard H,Thayer Foreword By Edward Yourdon
Publishing company:   Wiley India

7. Name:   Software Engineering Seventh Edition
Author:   Sommerville
Publishing company:   Pearson Edincation

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