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VC++即时通讯系统设计英文论文 第5页

更新时间:2010-6-17:  来源:毕业论文
   The software can mainly user person to person chatting、audio chatting and file transmission, there are all have think about the sever burthen, so the chatting message pass through the sever, but the audio chatting and file transmission is the peer-to-peer network. That can make the software running fast and the sever easy to work.
3.3.3  Communication agreement
The communication agreement is made by the “message head + dispatcher+ incepter + type of message”
The list of the communication agreement: Server
Type Content Description
Ox01 Nickname + icon + cipher + sex + age + address + email + phone + hobby + introduction + identification + identification type new member register & figure identification when someone add a friend
Ox02 User ID + friend ID + content Sending information to someone
Ox03 User ID + group ID + content Broad casting
Ox04 User ID + friend ID  Browse friend information
Ox05 User ID + group name Add group
Ox06 User ID + group ID + group name Change group name
Ox07 User ID + group ID  Delete group
Ox08 User ID + number of moving users + friend ID + group ID Move group member
Ox09 User ID + start number + return number + query mart Search the online users
Ox0a User ID + SQL sentence User-defined search
Ox0b User ID + friend ID Add friend
Ox0c User ID + friend ID reason of add friend Request of adding of friend
Ox0d User ID + frient ID Delete friend
Ox0e User ID + status mark Change the status, 1.online  2.hide   3.quient   4.offline
Ox10 User ID + nickname + icon + cipher + sex + age + address + email + phone + hobby + introduction + identification + identification type Change the user base information
Ox11 User ID + friend ID + filename + file length Request of sending a file
Ox12 User ID + friend ID + admit/reject Admit or reject receive a file
Ox13 User ID + friend ID + file content Send you file
Ox14 User ID + friend ID + agreement mart Reply the request of adding a finned   0=refuse   1=agree
Ox15 User ID + cipher + mark Login on
0=normal   1=hidden
Ox20 User ID Test
Table I :  Communication agreement server Client:
Type Content Description
Ox01 Success/failure + user ID The result of the registration of the new account
Ox02 Mark + friend ID + content Mark 1=system  2=user   friend ID mark
0= the system message
1=the user has added you to his friendliest
2=the user ask you for certification identity
3=the user agree your identity
4=the user refuse you identity
Ox03 Success/failure + friend ID + nickname + icon + sex + age + address + email + phone + hobby + introduction  The http://www.chuibin.com/
Ox04 Success/failure + group ID + group name The respond of adding a group
Ox05 Success/failure + group ID + group name The respond of adding a group name
Ox06 Success/failure + group ID The respond of deleting a group
Ox07 Success/failure  The respond of moving  group members
Ox08 Success/failure + the number of online users + {user ID + nick name + address + icon } The respond of the online user
Ox09 Success/failure + the number of user-define users + {user ID + nick name + address + icon } The respond of user-define users
Ox0a Mark + friend ID The respond of adding a friend
0= the failure of database
2=require of identity certification
3=the user refuse to the refuel
4=require of identity certification and the user is offline
Ox0b Success/failure + friend ID The response of deleting a friend
Ox0d Success/failure The result of modifying the personal information
Ox0e Friend ID + file name + file length result of sending a file
Ox10 Friend ID + agree/reject Agree or not sending a file
Ox11 Friend ID + content of the file  Sending a file
Ox15 Friend ID + current status The friend status return system send it
Ox20 User ID test
Table II:  Client Communication agreement
3.3.4   Class function   The Server:  HHSeverApp::OnServerStart()
Create socket and listen to the client

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