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VC++即时通讯系统设计英文论文 第2页

更新时间:2010-6-17:  来源:毕业论文
By considering the widespread of internet, this project designed for the instant message chatting and audio chatting between two people or among a specific group. The user could communicate with other online users by text chatting or audio chatting and transfering files. To aim at real-time chatting, the mechanism will be adopted without congestion and pressure on the server and the multithread method will speed up the transmission of the packages. The application based on Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library is developed by using Visual C++6.0. Using the Socket which can use the TCP/IP to develop the network application very conveniently. The Windows Sockets API is a standard interface under Microsoft Windows for applications that use TCP (connection oriented) and UDP (connectionless oriented). In TCP/IP network application, the communication between the processes based on the Client/Sever mode. To communicate, the application specifies the protocol, the IP address of the destination host, and the port of the destination application. Once the application is connected, information can be sent and received. Any Windows user could install this application and enjoy the convenience.
Keywords: MFC, Network, Client/Server, TCP/IP, TCP, UDP, IP address, Port
1.2   Motivation

       With the network popularized, the human life become more and more depending on the network and the increasing groups of people communicating with each other on the network. Since the real-time feature, the enormous instant communication systems are accepted widely.
     The instant communication system not only prevails in the daily life but also act as a necessary status in business .It could be a sound instant communication platform serving for customers. By contrast with email, Instant Messager have better real-time feature. And it’s more financial comparing with phone calling.  
     In this conditions, Instant Messager as an real-time communication tool has been growing steadily and fast.  
1.3  Aim and objective
1.3.1  Object
      Develop an Instant Messager for sending and receiving messages timely which could mastered easily and executed stably. The user can chat to others by text or audio. The audio chat can manage the person to person talking like the telephone online. It also can transfer the file between the users.
1.3.2  Conditions and limitations
      The duration of development:  2 month
      The environment of development: VC++ 6.0
http://www.chuibin.com/     The user only could chat with those users who accept the communication. The content of the communication is encrypted for avoiding the third party steal it. The peer-to-peer network formed by this system could be using for share of the resources. At the friend list we can see the all the online friend and offline friend. Click the friend you can know information of them, in the information have the real name、nation、city and so on. The user can sand the face like the icon, and also can send the image to the single person or multi-user, Can manage the person to person talking like the telephone online.

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