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输送机外文文献及翻译和参考文献 第2页

更新时间:2010-6-13:  来源:毕业论文

the characteristics of a soft start nate the friction discs have different hydroviscous systemsince the surface of the friction us has surface friction disc used Considering roughness groovesThe by discwe have and radial surface a investigated numerically analyti— groovesFor convenienceonly part and transfer characte of the ana the load friction three cally capacity torque discincluding groovesis ristics of the film the AD is the inlet BC is oil 1yzed(see Fig2)毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/in order to reveal the temperature—viscosity equation the belt mechanism of the soft start of hydro—viscous C to facilitate tIle of the conveyor and conceptual design soft starter and the control hydroviscous system 2 Softstart A soft start means that a belt can conveyor start the iner- smoothly by progressively overcoming Calculation model Fig2 tia even under the condition of a full loadIn order to reduce the of the should be no damage impactthere Since the load of the oil film in a capacity hy sudden in accelerationSo a change during perfect dro—viscous clutch is much less than that in a hydro the should from zero to the startup process speed vary lubrication radial flow induced dynamic bearingthe value to a curveBoth rating according given starting all role the force and centrifugal plays important by the Harrision and Nordell curves are commonly used cannot be is modified neglectedReynolds equation as and are shown in V is curves starting Fig1where the of the our effect force in calcula by centrifugal the rated and Z Harrision speed starting timee tion modelIn our Cartesian coordinate systemthe curve is more and is US to investigate popular the friction disc surface and the usedby xoy plane represents the characteristics of a soft start¨II oil film thickness is the direction z represented along the friction disc surface Considering roughness and a flow mod— modelthe by using Patir-Cheng average ified be derived as follows Reynolds equation can 0 0 TJ2 t t (a)Harrision CBI'VC (b)Nordell curve U。,' and Harrison Nordell CUWCS 2 Fig1 starting Ul。一U2 The transferred the oil film between fric· torque by dx z 2 tion discs Call be definition calculatedByt, where M is transferred oil torque by film,∥dy namic viscosity,andare input speed and is oil film thickness output speed respectively,h] the inner outer radius of the fric ,;andare and flow factors pressure along whereandare tion discs respectively It from the cor- can be seen Fig1a and Eqf1)that the x and direction the shear Y respectivelyandis and oil film thickness responding speedacceleration the flow of components factorUh(f-l2)are at Call be these results moment any calculatedand of the friction disc the x and direction velocity along the basic data for further calculation of load Y provide oil film oil film at the real is transfer of the capacity and torqHe any k=h-I-d+ is thicknessh moment the during startup process the nominal oil film thicknessie.,thedistance be the twomiddle surfaces”.one the tween rough sur— 3 the the Fundamental equations face of the friction disc and other of separator, the surface each roughness by taking 4 andare 31 Modmed Reynolds equation middlesurfaceas reference respectivelyhT is It is to of a the characteristics preferable investigate the oil film thicknessand the mathematical average soft start a Cartesiancoordi-- hydro··viscous by using

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