品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译 第8页
in the competition at a disadvantage, it is beyond doubt the fact that, but according to industry, markets and enterprise resource situation, situations, elimination of adverse effects can be regarded as the wise choice.
First, with well-known brands outside production companies, set up shell listed. If my production of leather jacket shipped to Italy for final processing. E毕业论文
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http://www.chuibin.com/ xport of finished leather jacket when tagging "Italy" brand, will be high profits. When the time is ripe, we will introduce their own brand names. Second, the acquisition of foreign influence on the brand or company to eliminate its local brand or company threats. Such as perfume industry over the past decade has been well-received by the French of all brands, in order to eliminate them. strength of capital of companies or enterprises of the French cosmetics company for the acquisition. Third, linked to the use of strategy. If market, "Coca-Cola" and "Pepsi" is a major beverage brands, has very good taste and image China's enterprises launched "very cola" to keep their products associated with foreign cola, in the eyes of consumers associate create impulse purchase and establish a good image. Fourth, to redefine brand image, to avoid competition between similar products conflict. If we can draw on Japan's largest cosmetics company Keys to Shiseido's business model, emphasized that it is the skin care products in order to avoid the French cosmetics (perfume) of the siege. Fifth, the use of celebrities to brand as a guarantee and strengthen the brand publicity. Nike can refer to the United States company employs • Basketball star Michael Jordan wearing their movement in the European market and publicize the marketing mode. Sixth, the joint brand. Use two or more brands (such as Jianlibao and the Chinese women's volleyball team) effectively constituted collaboration Union, enhance their brand of social acceptance, the effect than going out alone was much better. Seventh, the importance of creative brand marketing, and after-sale services to achieve brand sensation and powerful impact. "Barker black" pill marketing creativity, "Haier" of the Group attached great importance to the after-sales service, are establishing successful examples of well-known brands. 8th through diversification of operations, multi-brand strategy. Foods such as top companies in the high-income level of the target market "Master Kang" brand, in low-level target market "Fumanlou -- more" brand. Effectively meet the needs of different consumers, increasing the brand awareness. 9th, the fact publicity creating a momentum strategy. Guangdong Shedan Liquid manufacturers, to eliminate consumers of health products, distrust, Consumer products led to the production process and production methods entire tour, and invited the experts advice, Results excellent reputation and brand reputation is growing rapidly.
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