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建筑论文参考文献和建筑合同英文文献翻译 第3页

更新时间:2010-6-5:  来源:毕业论文
建筑论文参考文献和建筑合同英文文献翻译 第3页
Types of Construction Contracts and Bonds
1 Types of construction Contracts
there are many types of construction contracts and the owner generally makes the selection of contract type. The type of contract selected depends on the kind of work being performed and the conditions under which it is being performed.
1.1 Lump sum
Lump sum contract are typically used for buildings. The quantities of the materials required can be calculated with sufficient accuracy during the bidding process to allow contractor to submit a single lump sum price for the work .The quantity of items such as drywall, door frames, bathroom sinks, electrical conduit and wiring, and roof tiles can be calculated accurately from the plans. When a clear definition of the quantities and quality of work required is provided by the contract documents, 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ 论文网http://www.chuibin.com/used for heavy highway work. The designer may calculate that 1,000,000 cy of earth needs to be moved, but the owner and contractors kNow that after the work has been completed, the contractor will not have moved exactly 1,000,000. The exact quantity will vary. The fair solution to the problem is for the owner to tell the contractor what the estimated quantity is, and then to pay the contractor for the exact measured amount after the work is complete.
   Contractors submit a price for each item on a unit-price contract. Unit prices are multiplied by the engineer’s estimated quantities and totaled. The low bidder is the bidder with the low total of all items. Items whose actual quantity varies from the estimated quantity by more than 15 or 20%,either above or below the estimated quantity, are sometimes subject to renegotiation of the unit price. When the actual quantity is low, the contractor may request a renegotiated higher price because the anticipated amount of earned overhead has been reduced. When the actual quantity is high, the owner may request a renegotiated unit price for the opposite reason. The goal of unit-price contracts is fairness to both parties.
1.3 Cost Plus
   Cost plus(cost reimbursable)contracts are used in situations that make it difficult or impossible for either the owner or the contractor to predict their costs during the negotiation, bid, and award process. Factors that may make the calculation of costs impossible include unpredictable and extreme weather conditions such as would be encountered in the Antarctic, unkNown transportation requirements to remote locations, combat or war, or contracts where the amount of effort that will be required depends on another contractor’s work.
   Cost plus contracts take many forms, the most common being cost plus a fixed fee and cost plus a percentage. Most owners prefer cost plus fixed fee because then the amount of profit the contractor will earn cannot increase, thereby removing any incentive for the contractor to be anything less than thrifty, or to produce poor-quality work. Cost plus percent contracts may be fair in situations that are very difficult, or when the time to complete the work is not kNown with any certainty, but some incentives to maintain productivity are needed. A profit that can be earned in six months may not be attractive if there is a possibility that the work may require a year or two.

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