

    (2)“Inevereatmorethan onething”

    (3)“A littlefish”

    (4)“A littlecaviare”

    (5)“Justanice—cream andcoffee”

    例(1)~(5)中女士巧妙的使用“never”“little just”


  所表达的“使他人受损最小,受惠最大”但真正的目的则是为下文进一步蚕食年轻作家的钱而做准备 3.2委婉语符合宽宏准则

    由于中西方文化的差异,人们在会话语言的使用上有时会有很大的差别,汉语中许多表示客气或委婉的说法在直译成英语后有时就显得特别的生硬、不礼貌,论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/因语言理解不当而引起会话双方关系的紧张的例子也屡见不鲜.例如:在日常生活中,我们遇到不懂的问题想问别人时会常说“我想问您一个问题.”如直译成“1wanttOaskyoulfquestion.”一般来说这样是不礼貌的.英语中通常会用另外一些很委婉的方式来表达. 如 1.1waswondering ifcouldask you aquestion?

    2.Could Iask youlfquestion?

    3.MayIask yOUaquestion?Use this expression, tactful, polite expression of the will of their own, in a certain extent, not only bridged the session the two sides relations, but also to achieve a multiplier effect, so the session were able to smooth their own purposes. These euphemism "to minimize the benefits of their own to maximize their cost", take a evasive means to achieve the purpose of finding answers, guided by the principle of generous courtesy guidelines. 3.3 commend the guidelines found euphemism

  Daily communication, in order to avoid intrusive and rude, people often use the beautiful pleasant, gentle words to cover a number of mildly vulgar, unpleasant words to avoid hurting the feelings of parties affected by it. With the social division of labor, and in some professional dirty, bitter, tired, and some professional quiet, leisure, Yat. In order to satisfy certain psychological needs. There will be a useless euphemism, a number of melodious, high-sounding euphemism used to refer to certain occupations, to cover the actual trades unspeakable, to cosmetic, to improve the social status of certain industries. Some people do not want to engage in, or is not enviable career.

  By euphemism has quietly become the expression of high up. English dustmen become disposalofficers or sanitationengineers; servant rose as housekeeper, and even servicemanager; bootblack (shoeshine) for footwearmaintenanceengineer (footwear maintenance engineer), cobbler (cobbler) to shoerebuilder (shoes and recovery division), dustman ( garbagecollector) (spam clean-up work) for the streetor-derly (street cleaning division) or sanitaryer ~ gineer (sanitation engineers). Prosperous modern society gave humanity a new problem, that is obesity, obesity in the United States have 22% of the population. Fitness, weight loss is becoming a trend. So straightforward that people "fat", especially women, would be considered an offense, so English will have a "plump", well-rounded "such euphemisms. Sometimes, as courtesy, human face, also try to use commendatory, such as "handsome", "attractive, smart" and so on. These euphemisms praised the guidelines from the politeness principle proceed. try to narrow the criticism of others, try exaggerated praise to others ", so as to enhance the status of others to enhance self-esteem of others.

  Meet the modest standards euphemism 3.4

  Chinese, sometimes in order to express humility when speaking of Him often use a lot of words to refer to his or her home. , While the word used to refer to by the King if the other party in order to express respect, modesty and a respect word word euphemism is an important form of Chinese. Leech's Politeness Principle Modesty is from the perspective of the speaker himself, to consider and respect by the words or words related to the object. In the language of formal means to modesty, to please each other. For example, call each other's opinions as "opinions" and said his views Xiang "Opinion"; that other people's work as a "masterpiece" for his "apology"; says personally Ⅱ's son and daughter as "your son" " daughter, "said his son, daughter of" interactive advertisement, "" my daughter "and so on.

  In conversation with some polite, respectful "tone softening _ the word" make smooth communication activities, the use of such euphemisms is clearly followed Modesty. That is, "try to narrow their praise, try to expand on his criticism." See "Dream of Red Mansions" session: just arrived in the Jia Lin, the first time after dinner, when she asked Jia Mu "He read the book and sisters", the Lady Dowager replied, "read what the book, but recognize the two words, not the eyes of the blind too!. " Gem back when, again in front of Jia Q, "her sister ever read?" When. Lin replied, "never read, only the school year, to recognize some words." A language is obviously not true, but just to meet the Lady Dowager of the language. Will naturally win the love of the elderly on their own. Word of her is to take the self-deprecating way, to narrow their praise, good words meaning to the purpose of transfer. Followed the principles of politeness in the Modesty.

  3.5 Euphemisms meet agreed criteria

  When people said that the differences in communication or a different time, driven by the politeness principle, generally do not want to say straight to the point of the spell, instead of using the euphemism, indirect language to deal with a specific meaning, to abide by the same criteria. When the session the two sides face the need to indicate a particular position, attitude and respect the actual situation when not allowed to always be honest. Communication Communication strategy will be to control both sides. Choose the most appropriate communication strategy that intentions euphemism embodies this law. Modern society, politicians euphemism often used false picture of peace, ease social contradictions, cover up their true purpose. If the workers strike was described as "withdraw theirservice" rather than "goonstrike", "politician" transformed into "legislator", to cover up acts of aggression, the U.S. troops stationed overseas, "U.S overseasmilitarydeployment" became "AmericanPresence". Inevitably somewhat similar nature in Chinese euphemism such as "low income", "less developed regions", "developing", "laid off", "unemployed" and so on. Obviously the use of euphemism greatly diluted. Unemployment "," poverty "and the harsh reality, so as to politics. Beautification image of the government to minimize the contradictions of public and government, as exaggerated line between the government and the public. The use of euphemism to follow the principles of the agreed criteria for politeness . that is, "try to narrow the different views with others, try to exaggerate the views of the same with others."

  3.6 Euphemisms found sympathy criteria

  Euphemism is an important function of communication to avoid intrusive and indecent assault, when forced to, try to select the euphemism to avoid harm to each other's feelings, try to express the sympathy of others. For example: steal (theft) is weakened as takethingswithoutpermission (take things without permission); burglary (burglary night) and wiretapping (eavesdropping) are wan means surreptitiousentry (secret access) and intelligencegathering (intelligence); commitsuicide (suicide) is euphemistically described as selftermination (self-settled), prostitution (prostitution) is the highest of the theoldestprofessionintheworld (the world's oldest profession), prostitute (prostitutes) were fuzzy as aladyofthetown (town on the woman), callgirl (call girl) , streetwalker (the street girl). Session to use the euphemism may be out of compassion, mercy, or do not want to cause each other on their own aversion to the lowest point of injury. Thus followed the principle of sympathy politeness norms, "try to narrow the disgust of others. Try to exaggerate their own compassion for others."

  4 Conclusion

  Through case studies, we find that the production and use of euphemism and politeness principle proposed by Leach fundamentally the same. It is a reasonable use of euphemism, that makes it smooth and harmonious interpersonal conduct. Euphemism and principles through a combination of courtesy, we can better grasp of their own to speak of the sense of proportion, the object of discourse interpretation communication to avoid communication errors. On the other hand, we should also see. With the social, economic, continuous development, social and cultural value of the new components of the emerging, people are understanding about the things around constantly in Gengxin, the scope of use euphemisms and function also changed with it. Therefore, we should closely follow the pulse of the times. Efforts to observe, study and research and polite euphemism consistent with the principles of the situation, a better understanding of Western culture. This successful interpersonal relationships also have far-reaching significance.

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