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物流英文文献翻译及物流论文参考文献 第6页

更新时间:2010-5-22:  来源:毕业论文
物流英文文献翻译及物流论文参考文献 第6页
2  Available primary problems
2.1 Unbalanced development between western and developed regions including the east,the south and costal areas
China’s logistics industry is at the initial stage.In most occasions,what we mean by the so-called logistics actually refers to the narrow sense of logistics:elementary functions such as transportation or storage.Real modern logistics has been focused and developed only in a few comparatively developed regions in the east and the south while logistics development is still far from commencing in vast regions of mid-,western and remote regions.Even in the developed regions of eastern China,southern China and costal and costal areas,the level of socialization an d the adoption of market principles are fairly low. According to the data, the physical distributions owned by domestic enterprises account for 60% to 70% of the total market scale.Shortage in logistics demand hampers the development of logistics industry in China and thus limits its development.
2.2 Disordered and rough planning for logistics
Logistics park is a special center of one or more than one logistics enterprises(or distribution centers).By operating logistics park,scale can be formed and operation cost reduced.The construction of logistics park is expected to play a positive role in urban freight traffic, urban ecology environment and urban land planning.However, the planning of China’s logistics parks are mostly conducted by local authorities.Recently,numbers of local authorities haven’t been clear about the interior meaning of logistics industry.Instead,they mistakenly take it for granted that logistics could anyhow revive economy.As a result, nuinerous regions rush into the planning an d construction of various logistics circles,parks or centers.Nowadays many logistics parks are at the stages of planning and primary construction,neither link to the planning of next higher level, nor connect to the surrounding areas, nor conduct sufficient research and survey of the local economic situation, microeconomic orientation and freight traffic flow.These logistics parks take on disadvantages, strong bureaucracy, unimpressive market response and inadequate flow of population and logistics, which prevents the from going into virtuous cycles as well as leads them to be the heavy burdens of governments.Obviously,the operation of logistics parks hasn’t followed principles of science and has breached our original intention of developing logistics industry.In fact,logistics industry falls under the category of tertiary industry,the functions of which should be providing service for certain trades in primary an d secondary industries.The profits of logistics industry mainly derive from service targets.Secondly,logistics industry is the one with nalTOW margin of profit that considerable profits could be gamed tlugh nothing else but scale operation.Therefore,logistics acts merely as the pillars for industries.Only on the basis of favorable primary and secondary industries, or with the intentions to reinforce the development of primary and secondary industries,logistics industry can be developed.Any planning and construction of regional logistics circles,parks or centers in any places must be argued and studied rigidly in accordance with scientific principles. The construction proportions of logistics places should be distributed according to economic regions whereas by no means according to administrative ones.Otherwise great deal of redundant project construction will be very likely and therefore result in wasting of resources.
Apart from that,quite a few of domestic regions carried through pretty abstract and rough logistics planning.For instance, some regions seldom take the construction of regional logistic information platform into account when they
plan logistics parks.Some other regions take the construction of platform into account, but they merely consider its planning and designing,rarely thinking over its construction and application.In other words,the construction on logistics information platform is in short of operability.
2.3 Outdated logistics technology
Although China,in a short term,has made great achievements that attract the attention of the world in terms of logistics industry and techniques,one has to admit that China is still left far behind world leading countries and as a whole,our logistics technology is outdated. To sum up, the disadvantage is mainly embodied as the following respects:
2.3.1 Distribution and delivery facilities A significant orientation of logistics development is third-party logistics,of which freight distribution and delivery are essential components.Presently advanced foreign facilities of logistics distribution and delivery have reached the level of full automatization.A good example is a Japanese logistics center known as “White Bird” of  Sanli Zhiguo Company.The center has an occupation of land of 4208 m ,a total area of 2774 square meters an d delivers 20000 boxes of goods to 200 wholesalers.111e center adopts automatic tiered warehouse facility for storage.For cold air release from the center of the warehouse and by taking advantage of the principle as “hot air ascends while cold air descends”,layers from the first to the fourth of the shelf are designed to be constant-temperature for storing chocolate candies while layers from the fifth to the eighth are room-temperature area for normal foods.The use of air conditioning reduced operation cost on building architectural compartments.Full automatization logistics system is adopted for operation.Goods are put into storage from the second floor.Sorting devices is in operation first; then stacking robots automatically pile the goods on stocks,which are delivered to automatic tiered warehouse by high.speed rail shuttles.The first floor is where the gods is shipped. High—speed rail shuttles are responsible for delivering the goods to sorting work station.When shipment preparations done,the goods are stored in preparation areas ready for delivery. Due to the adoption of automatic controlling devices,the error rate of shipment at the logistics center has been dramatically reduced.Moreover,the causes could be found rapidly once an y mistake appears an d service quality will not be affected.
 Another example is Shayiku logistics center of Sagawa Express Company in Japan.The center contains 44308 m2 with the total area of 798m.This five-•floor building of armored-•structure has the largest architecture scale in Asia.The first an d second floors of the center are platform working areas,third to fifth are logistics processing areas (offering logistics service for the third party) and on the roof are park and helipad.This logistics center locates at the middle region of Japan, covering 320 distribution and delivery network points of the whole nation.Sorting work is done overnight of the same day when gods brought here at the evening.At the morning of next day,the sorted goods will be delivered to nation-wide network points.At the same time when recipients of the center receiving goods,they use wireless data terminals to transmit the data of sorting, distribution and delivery to distribution center instandy.Goods could be directly put onto conveying belt for sorting without any other operation.The handling capacity per hour is 79000 pieces.
As the product of social economy development and socialization division of labor,distribution and delivery center will undoubtedly vary according to the change of demands in social economy development. The majority of domestic enterprises have low logistics level,weak logistics awareness and weak distribution capability.Besides,faced with little business competition pressures an d relaxing demands for third-party logistics,the enterprises still remain on the basis of the traditional understanding of logistics: large and complete or small an d complete .
2.3.2 Insufficient focus on modern inform action technology Currendy certain regions and local authorities attach great importance to the development planning of logistics.But they ignore that modern logistics must depend upon modern information technology .One ma y easily draw the conclusion from the development history of logistics industry that there won’t be model logistics without modem information technology .An optimized system will never take its shape unless logistics,capital flow,information flow and clients are brought into an organic corporation by making use of modern inform action technology . The construction of modern  information technology base and facilities are the primary factors that should be considered in the construction and planning of logistics centers and parks.
2.3.3Abuse of “logistic center” and its like Nowadays many small-size freight stations and even certain private minishopstiled themselves as “logistics centers”or other similar names that have been fashionable and popular .However,this sort of phenomenon will harm the development of logistics severely for the possibility of causing people's misunderstanding of logistics.Therefore the essence of such a case is distorting logistic centers.As a matter of fact,according to China Logistics Norms on Technical Terms,the definition of logistics center is:the site or organization that engages in logistics activities.A logistic center should fit into the following requirements:1)primarily offering service for the society;2) having complete and sound logistics functions;3)having complete information network;4)with large radiation and influential areas;5)with limited varieties but large quantities;6)with strong storage or handling capacity; and 7) having unified management and administration over l stics business.The definition shows us that the basic requirements and qualifications for logistic center are fairly high.Whereas almost none of the so-called logistic centers that are now existent meet the standard and requirements listed above.

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