工商管理毕业论文外文文献 第4页

工商管理毕业论文外文文献 第4页
very important that where you do have some control and influence you use it effectively to better manage your practice.
         According to the ABA publication, Compensation for Law Firms, "75% of every fee dollar goes toward compensation in a law firm, be it partner compensation, associate or support staff salary and benefits."  If this is true then make certain that the people who work with and for you are the very best because they can make all difference in the ultimate success of your practice.  Although we know the importance of our partners, associates and staff, we often neglect this very vital component in our efficiency and success.
         Managing the people in your office is probably one of the most important tasks you will undertake in the course of running your practice. This is true even if there is only you and a secretary and if your secretary works only part-time.  Having and keeping the best staff possible is even more critical to the success of a solo or small firm practitioner.  A mid-size or large firm can afford to have a few secretaries or support staff who are less than outstanding.  A solo/small firm practitioner who has only one, two or three employees does not have this luxury.  All of the employees have to be outstanding.
        On the surface this need for your employee(s) to be superior would seem to be just one more of the difficulties in being a solo/small firm practitioner.  While attracting, training and keeping good employees is difficult, it is effort well spent because these employees will become instrumental in the success of your practice.
         Your employees represent you and your practice.  They are a reflection of you.  They should always be an asset to your firm. They should be assisting you with improving the performance and management of the entire practice.  Think about all of the people in your office and if this is not the case, you have to ask "why not?" and "How can the situation be improved?"
3.6.1  Where to find staff
          I get more and more calls from solo and small firm practitioners who are looking for places to find good staff both legal and administrative.  There is not one place that fits all practitioners.  Where you find staff depends upon your needs.  Here are some suggestions that may or may not work for your situation.
      1.  Ask your other employees.  This can be a problem if the person does not work out but it is an option. 
      2.  Ask friends and family.  Again there can be problems if the person is not hired or is not a good worker.  It is critical to remind people that it is not personal. 
      3.  Ask other practitioners especially in larger firms.  There may be reasons an employee was not hired by another firm that would not mean the person would not be a good employee for you.
      4.  Review resumes from previous candidates.  I once hired one of my better assistants using old resumes. 
      5.  Consider using part-time employees or even persons who are retired from other careers.  Part-time workers require you to manage your time effectively but they also can be much more efficient.  You may even consider two people sharing a position.  Again, this requires a little more management but you may get two outstanding employees who can cover for the other.
      6.  There are some solo practitioners who "share" staff.  This is not my suggestion but those who use it appear to think it works very well. 
      7.  Contact law schools or even community colleges for administrative staff.  You may even consider using a person to handle very specific tasks such as billing or bookkeeping from a remote location.
      8.  Consider using a "consultant" to do the search and initial interviewing.  This person could do the first interview and then recommend two or three for second interview by you.  Although this would be expensive, you need to weigh it against the amount of billable of time you will save.  This could be money well spent.
3.6.2  Supervision
1. All employees must have written job descriptions. They should be evaluated using these descriptions.
2. Meet with staff regularly to review the progress of work in the office. This is especially important for practitioners who may spend a lot of time out of the office or consumed with one or two extended cases.

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