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土木工程建筑外文文献及翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-5-15:  来源:毕业论文
土木工程建筑外文文献及翻译 第5页
During the cycle 6.5 y, specimen 2 also showed a crack in the bottom flange at  the end of the RBS where it meets the wing plate. Upon progressing thou- gh the  loading history, 15 y, the crack spread slowly across the bottom flan- ge. Specimen  2 test was stopped at this point because the limitation of the test set-up was reached.
The maximum force applied to specimens 1 and 2 was 890 kN (200 kip). The kink that is seen in the positive quadrant is due to the application of the varying axial tension force. The load-carrying capacity in this zone did not deteriorate as evidenced with the positive slope of the force–displacement curve. However, the load-carrying capacity deteriorated slightly in the neg- ative zone due to the web and the flange local buckling.
Photographs of specimen 1 during the test are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. Severe local buckling occurred in the bottom flange and portion of the web next to the bottom flange as shown in Fig. 14. The length of this buckle extended over the entire length of the RBS. Plastic hinges developed in the RBS with extensive yielding occurring in the beam flanges as well as the web. Fig. 15 shows the crack that initiated along the transition of the RBS to the side wing plate. Ultimate fracture of specimen 1 was caused by a fracture in the bottom flange. This fracture resulted in almost total loss of the beam- carrying capacity. Specimen 1 developed 0.05 rad of plastic rotation and showed no sign of distress at the face of the column as shown in Fig. 15.
 5.2. Specimens 3 and 4
The response of specimens 3 and 4 is shown in Fig. 16. Initial yielding occured during cycles 7 and 8 at 1_y with significant yielding observed in the bottom flange. Progressing through the loading history, yielding started to propagate along the bottom flange on the RBS. During cycle 1.5_y initiation of web buckling was noted adjacent to the yielded bottom flange. Yielding started to propagate along the top flange of the RBS and some minor yielding along the middle stiffener. During the cycle of 3.5_y a severe web buckle developed along with flange local buckling. The flange and the web local buckling bec- ame more pronounced with each successive loading cycle.
During the cycle 4.5 y, the axial load was increased to 3115 KN (700 kips) causing  yielding to propagate to middle transverse stiffener. Progressing through the loading  history, the flange and the web local buckling became more severe. For both  specimens, testing was stopped at this point due to limitations in the test set-up. No  failures occurred in specimens 3 and 4. However, upon removing specimen 3 to  outside the laboratory a hairline crack was observed at the CJP weld of the bottom  flange to the column.
The maximum forces applied to specimens 3 and 4 were 890 kN (200 kip) and  912 kN (205 kip). The load-carrying capacity deteriorated by 20% at the end of the  tests for negative cycles due to the web and the flange local buckling. This gradual  reduction started after about 0.015 to 0.02 rad of plastic rotation. The load-carrying  capacity during positive cycles (axial tension applied in the girder) did not deteriorate  as evidenced with the slope of the force–displacement envelope for specimen 3  shown in Fig. 17.
A photograph of specimen 3 before testing is shown in Fig. 18. Fig. 19 is a
Fig. 16. Hysteretic behavior of specimens 3 and 4 in terms of moment at middle RBS versus beam plastic rotation.
photograph of specimen 4 taken after the application of 0.014 rad displacem- ent cycles, showing yielding and local buckling at the hinge region. The beam web yielded over its full depth. The most intense yielding was observed in the web bottom portion, between the bottom flange and the middle stiffener. The web top portion also showed yielding, although less severe than within the bottom portion. Yielding was observed in the longitudinal stiffener. No yiel- ding was observed in the web of the column in the joint panel zone. The un- reduced portion of the beam flanges near the face of the column did not show yielding either. The maximum displacement applied was 174 mm, and the maximum moment at the middle of the RBS was 1.51 times the plastic mom ent capacity of the beam. The plastic hinge rotation reached was about 0.032 rad (the hinge is located at a distance 0.54d from the column surface,where d is the depth of the beam).
5.2.1. Strain distribution around connection
The strain distribution across the flanges–outer surface of specimen 3 is shown in Figs. 20 and 21. The readings and the distributions of the strains in specimens 1, 2 and 4 (not presented) showed a similar trend. Also the seque-  nce of yielding in these specimens is similar to specimen 3.
The strain at 51 mm from the column in the top flange–outer surface remained below 0.2% during negative cycles. The top flange, at the same location, yielded in compression only.

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