机械英文文献翻译-延长搅拌机 第5页
The current version of HAMLAT shows that a unified modeling tool for graphics and haptics is possible. Promisingly, the features for modeling haptic properties
have been integrated seamlessly into the Blender framework, which indicates it was a good choice as a platform for development of this tool. Blender's modular architecture will make future additions to its framework very straightforward.
Currently, HAMLAT supports basic functionality for modeling and rendering hapto-visual applications. Scenes may be created, edited, previewed, and exported as part of a database for use in by other hapto-visual applications, such as the HAML player [6]. However, there is room for growth and in there are many more ways we can continue leveraging existing Blender functionality.
As per future work ,we plan to extend HAMLAT TO include support for other haptic platforms and devices.Currently, only the PHANTOM series of devices is supported since the interactive renderer is dependent on the OpenHaptics toolkit [5]. In order to support otherd evices, a cross-platform library such as Chai3D or
Haptik may be used to perform rendering. These libraries support force rendering for a large range of haptic hardware. Fortunately, due to the modularity of our implementation, only the interactive haptic rendering component need be altered for these changes.
In addition to support multiple hardware platforms, a user interface component which allows the selection and configuration of haptic devices will be important. Most likely, this will be added as part of the user preferences panel in Blender.
Adding support for haptic devices as part of editing asks is also a planned feature. This will allow the odeler to modify the shape, location, and other properties on in-scene objects. For example, the sculptingo de in Blender allows a user to manipulate the geometryf a 3D object using a natural interface, similar to eshaping a piece of clay. HAMLAT will build on this echnology by allowing the modeler to manipulate the irtual clay using high DOF haptic interfaces.
[1] Blender organization, "Blender official website,"http.//www.chuibin.com September 2007.
[2] F. R. El-Far, M. Eid, M. Orozco, A. El Saddik, "Haptic
Application Meta-Language," DS-RT, Malaga, Spain, 2006.
con [3] Blender Organization, "Blender Architecture,"
http://www.chuibin.com , September 2007
[4] YafRay, "Free Raytracing for the Masses,"
September 2007.
[5] SensAble Technologies, Inc. "OpenHaptics Toolkit,"
http://www.chuibin.com,September 2007.
[6] M. Eid, M. Mansour, R. Iglesias, A. El Saddik. "A DeviceIndependent Haptic Player," IEEE Intl. Conference on VirtualEnvironments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement
Systems (VECIMS 2007), Italy, 2007.
[7] F. Conti, F. Barbagli, D. Morris, C. Sewell, "CHAI: An Open-Source Library for the Rapid Development of Haptic Scenes,"Demo paper atIEEE WorldHaptics, Pisa, Italy, March 2005.
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