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机械英文文献翻译-延长搅拌机 第3页

更新时间:2010-5-6:  来源:毕业论文
机械英文文献翻译-延长搅拌机 第3页
Blender uses many different data structures to represent the various types of objects in a 3D scene a vertices; a lamp contains colour and intensity values; and camera a object contains intrinsic viewing parameters.
The Mesh data structure iS used by the Blender inframework to describe a polygonal mesh object. It iS of particular interest for hapic  rendering since many solid objects in a 3D scene  may be represented using this type   of data structure. The tactile and kinesthetic cues, which are displayed due to interaction with virtual objects, are typically rendered based on the geometry of the mesh. Hptic rendering is performed based primary on data stored in this data type. Other scene components such as lamps, cameras, or lines are not intuitively rendered using force feedback haptic devices and are therefore not of current interest for haptic rendering.
    An augmented version of the Mesh data structure is shown in Figure 4. It contains fields for vertex and face data, plus some special custom data fields which allow data to be stored to/retrieved from disk and memory. We have modified this data type to include a pointer to a MHaptics data structure, which stores haptic properties such as stiffness, damping, and friction for the mesh elements (Figure 5).
A.2 Edit Mesh Data Type
It should be noted that the Mesh data type has a comPlimentary data structure, called EditMesh, which is used when editing mesh data. It holds a copy of the vertex, edge ,and face data for a polygonal mesh. when the user switches to editing mode, the Blender copies the data from a Mesh into an EditMesh and when editing is complete the data is copied back.
Care must be taken to ensure that the hapic property data structure remains intact during the copy sequence. The EditMesh data structure has not been modified to contain a copy of the hapic property data ,but this may
 properties in edit mode is required). The editing mode is mainly used to modify mesh topology and geometry, not the haptic and graphical rendering characteristics,
A.3 Haptic Properties
In this section we'll briefly discuss the haptic properties which may currently be modeled using HAMLAT. It is important for the modeler to understand these 
properties and their basis for use in haptic rendering.
The stiffness of an object defines how resistant it is to deformation by some applied force. Hard objects, such as a rock or table, have very high stiffness; soft objects, such as rubber ball, have low stiffness. The hardness-softness of an object is typically rendered using th spring-force equation: 
Where the force feedback vector f which is displayed to the user is computed using ks the stiffness coefficient (variable name stiffness)for the object and x the  penetration depth (displacement) of the haptic proxy into an object. The stiffness coefficient has a range of [0,1], where 0 represents no resistance to deformation and 1 represents the maximum stiffness which may be rendered by the haptic device. The damping of an object defines its resistance to the rate of deformation due to some applied force. It is typically rendered using the force equation:
Where kd is the damping coefficient (variable name}MHaptics; damping) anddepdt is the velocity ofthe haptic proxy as it;penetrates an object. The damping coefficient also has a range of [0,1] and may be used to model viscous behaviour of a material. It also increases the stability of  the hapticrendering loop fordstiffmaterials.
The static friction (variable name stjriction) and dynamic friction (variable name dyjriction) coefficient are used to model the frictional forces experienced whilee
xploring the surface of a 3D object. Static friction is experienced when the proxy is not moving over the object's surface, and an initial force must be used to overcome static friction. Dynamic friction is felt when the proxy moves across the surface, rubbing against it.
Frictional coefficients also have a range of /0,1], with a value of 0 making the surface of a 3D object feel "slippery" and a value of 1 making the object feel very
rough. Frictional forces are typically rendered in a direction tangential to the collision point of the hapticproxy at an object's surface.  B. Editing Blender uses a set of non-overlapping windows called spaces to modify various aspects of the 3D scene and its objects. Each space is divided into a set of areas andpanels which are context aware. That is, they provide functionality based on the selected object type. For

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