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机械英文文献翻译-延长搅拌机 第2页

更新时间:2010-5-6:  来源:毕业论文
机械英文文献翻译-延长搅拌机 第2页
since haptic properties must be assigned to individual objects in the scene and currently there are few high-level tools for accomplishing this task. HAMLAT bridges this gap by integrating into the HAML framework and delivering a complete solution for development of hapto- visual applications requiring no programming knowledge.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we present the proposed architecture extensions and discuss design constraints. Section 3 describes the implementation details and how haptic properties are added and rendered within the Blender framework. In Section 4 we discuss related issues and future work avenues.
The Blender design philosophy is based on three main tasks: data storage, editing, and visualization. According to the legacy documentation [3], it follows a data- visualize-edit development cycle for the 3D modeling pipe line. A 3D scene is represented using data structures within the Blender architecture. The modeler views the scene, makes changes using the editing interface which directly modifies the underlying data structures, and then the cycle repeats.
To better understand this development cycle, consider the representation of a 3D object in Blender. A 3D object may be represented by an array of vertices which have
been organized as a polygonal mesh. Users may choose to operate on any subset of this data set. Editing tasks may include operations to rotate, scale, and translate the
vertices, or perhaps a re-meshing algorithm to "cleanup" redundant vertices and transform from a quad to a triangle topology. The data is visualized using a graphical 3D renderer which is capable of displaying the object as a wireframe or as a shaded, solid surface. The visualization is necessary in order to see the effects of editing on the data. In a nutshell, this example defines the design philosophy behind Blender's architecture.
In Blender, data is organized as a series of lists and base data types are combined with links between items in each list, creating complex scenes from simple structures.
This allows data elements in each list to be reused, thus reducing the overall storage requirements. For example, a mesh may be linked by multiple scene objects, but the position and orientation may change for each object and the topology of the mesh remains the same. A diagram illustrating the organization of data structures and reuse of scene elements is shown in Figure 2. A scene object links to three objects, each of which link to two polygonal meshes. The meshes also share a common material property. The entire scene is rendered on one of several screens, which visualizes the scene.
We adopt the Blender design approach for our authoring tool. The data structures which are used to represent objects in a 3D scene have been augmented to include fields for haptic properties (e.g., stiffness, damping); user interface components (e.g., button panels) which allow the modeler to change object properties have also been updated to include support for modifying the haptic properties of an object. Additionally, an interactive hapto-visual renderer has been implemented to display the
3D scene graphically and haptically, providing the modeler or artist with immediate feedback about the changes they make to the scene. in the current version of the HAMLAT. the modifications to the Blender framework include: data structures for representing haptic properties,
an editing interface for modifying haptic properties, an external renderer for displaying and previewing haptically enabled scenes, scripts which allow scenes to be imported/exported in the HAML file format.
A class diagram outlining the changes to the Blender ramework is shown in Figure 3. Components which are ertinent to HAMLAT are shaded in gray. HAMLAT builds on existing Blender sub-systems by extending them or haptic modeling purposes. Data structures for representing object geometry and graphical rendering areaugmented to include field which encompass the tactile properties necessary for haptic rendering.
To allow the user to modify haptic properties GUI Components are integrated as part of the Blender editing panels. The operations triggered by these components
operate directly on the d ata structures used for representing hatic cues and may be considered part of the editing step of the Blender design cycle.
Similarly to the built-in graphical renderer, HAMLAT uses a custom rendlerer for displaying 3Ds scenes grphcal and haptcall, an is ineedn of the Blender renderer. This component is developed independently since haptical and graphical rendering must be performed simultaneously and synchronously. A simulation loop is used to update haptic rendering forces at a rate which maintains stability and quality. A detailed discussion of the implementation of these classes and their connectivity is given in the next section.
A  Data Structure
A.1 Mesh Data Type

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