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简爱英语论文 第4页

更新时间:2010-4-26:  来源:毕业论文
简爱英语论文 第4页
than ever. Jane decides to stay with him and look after him for all of her life. This pair of lovers comes together in the end. But in that society such a marriage is considered uncommon and untraditional.
People may think it’s strange that Jane makes her strong will to be Rochester’s bride. Nobody would like to marry him because he has lost most of his wealth and is blind. As to Jane, she can marry a man who is much better than Mr .Rochester. Actually, not only in those days but also today, in a pair of lovers or a couple if one of them becomes disabled, maybe the other will leave him or her. But Jane is different, she considers that love is a kind of life; true love is the meeting of hearts and minds of two people. If you really love someone, you must love the bad along with the good. The base and the premise of genuine love are respect and independence between two persons. Jane’s love story is very moving and impresses us deeply. We can’t help showing our admiration for her and are encouraged by such love. It’s easy to say that I will love you forever, but it’s difficult to do it. Yet in Jane’s genuine selfless love for Rochester, we can see this kind of love and we can see her inner beauty as a female to love.
3.1.2 The age issue between Jane and Rochester
Jane Eyre’s experience with the male species is very limited. She has a good friend Helen in Lowood Institution, but the girl died. A meaningful relationship between a girl and her girlfriends will generally be different from the relationship between her and her male peers. After a somewhat hard childhood, deprived of affection, security and love, Jane enjoys much comfort and freedom at Thornfield, where Rochester lives. At the beginning, Rochester is very proud, sardonic and harsh and Jane feels very puzzled. After a quiet, reserved period, Jane and Rochester spend many hours in conversation. Jane becomes alive in his attention, is stimulated by the challenges he offers and is comfortable in arguing against his opinions. Although Rochester tells her the love he once experienced, the love was jaded. We know that Rochester have had at least one meaningful romantic relationship (with Celine Varens) which he describes and confesses to Jane. The love relationship ended when Rochester discovered that the woman did not really love him, but loved his money and status. However, Jane doesn’t have love experience. Jane is only eighteen years old, whereas Rochester is approximately forty years old. In our contemporary society, this age difference would be a significant obstacle. Life experiences, maturity, and some points about the life are different. Rochester often refers to Jane’s youthfulness, limited experiences and calls her“my little friend”“I envy you, your peace of mind, your clean conscience, and your unpolluted memory little girl.” Jane likes this kind of feeling, although she thinks she has a lot of life experience and wants to be known by Rochester. From the above analysis, we can see that Jane doesn’t have parents and doesn’t get love from her parents, Rochester is the first man she meets that gives her love and makes her feel very happy, So she falls in love with him who has rich experience and is very mature. To some extent she regards Rochester as his father because of her lack of love from father.
3.1.3 The importance of honesty in love
I think successful marriage is based on honesty. As the book is written in an autobiographical style, we are aware of Jane’s feelings regarding Rochester. Rochester doesn’t tell Jane the complete truth of everything related to his past. Although he confesses about the way he was hurt by Celine Varens, Jane feels there are things in his past which contribute to his discontent and which he will not reveal to her.“What alienates him from the house? Will he leave it again soon? Mrs. Farfax said he seldom stayed longer than a fortnight at a time ”. Not long after this, Jane is awake in the middleof the night by a “chronic laugh”outside her room. Someone has set fire to the heavy curtains around Rochester’s bed. Jane is naturally suspicious about the mysterious surroundings of Thornfield and Rochester. He dismisses her concerns and asks her not to reveal her suspicion to anyone. In order to keep his reputation, he doesn’t want Jane to know his mad wife.
We know that Mr. Rochester is intelligent, proud, and cynical. He hopes that Jane will understand his true feelings about her and even goes to the extreme of dressing up as a gypsy in order to find out if Jane really loves him. However, Jane does not see through the deeper meaning of this deception and tells him very little of her feelings.
Why is honesty important to a meaningful relationship? Honesty is the base on which trust is formed. Communication is very important in personal relationships, especially in love. If two people fall in love with each other, they should communicate almost most of the things and not keep secret. Then they can have a perfect love. I think Jane and Rochester have to communicate frankly. They must share their past experiences with one another. By doing this, they can get true love.
3.2 Jane Eyre’s pursuit of liberty and equality
3.2.1 The equality of social classes between Jane and Rochester
In order to lead a life of independence, Jane works as a governess at Thornfield Hall. She is looked down upon by the rich ladies of the fashionable society, but she never despises herself, she never feels herself inferior. She is satisfied with, and even proud of her honest, independent work. Rochester is attracted to her qualify of mind, courage, independence, and strong personality, and falls in love with her. But it is Jane Eyre who declares her love to Rochester before he makes his sentiment clear to her ,“Do you think ,because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?”she cries,“You think wrong. I have as much soul as you, -and full as much heart! And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you through the medium of custom, conversation, nor even of mortal flesh:- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet - equal,- as we are!”Here,“equal”is the word, she loves Rochester just because he regards her as a human being, or more importantly, as an equal. Equality is what she strives for, and in him she finds what

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