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Mutiny On The Bounty叛舰喋血记英文读后感

更新时间:2010-4-5:  来源:毕业论文

Mutiny On The Bounty叛舰喋血记英文读后感
Time is magic. Almost all believe that, of course, including me.

  After reading Mutiny On The Bounty, a general thought occurred to me steadily that time’s magic is great and irresistible.

  Time is frightening. With the invectives from the captain, when the sailors were faced with nearly a year of sailing, someone were not willing to bear the pain of the waiting. As a result, they wanted to give up. At this time, time in people’s minds is a topic of fear. And time likes torturing people.

  Time is the hue and roar of the sailors. They want time to negotiate, to get hope. Time marks the extent of people’s patience. However, the tolerance limits of each person is different. On the Bounty, he had patience to the limit.

  “It doesn’t matter! I can’t stay here with the man! I’m in hell! I tell you!” He will be crazy. Therefore, a mutiny started.

  In a nutshell, the whole process of watching the riots, I think time always uses own magic to the people as a guinea pig. However, the end of the story made me surprised that the time is tolerance, which book clearly tells me.

  Time can make a person fall in love with a place or person. Therefore, people can feel warm and happy. The Bounty stayed at Tahiti for five months, and by March there were thousand breadfruit trees on the ship. Tahitian children played on the ship .And in the evenings the sailors danced to pleasant music with the women. Five months’ magic.

  Similarly, time is test of life. Sailors needed to be confronted with hunger, trouble and danger. And the biggest challenge was beating own thoughts. After the mutiny, the captain and some sailors started to go into exile. As a result, they were fighting with the dead god. Here, it is time that is killing people, and it is training people. This is kind of love from time.

  Everyone was wet and white water came into launch. As a consequence, the sailors used the empty coconuts to throw the water back into the sea. At midday, they ate five small coconuts to throw the water back into the sea.

  The next day, wet as the bread was, they didn’t throw it away, which is because the bread is everyone’s hope. Man, hold on, and you’ll be a success.

  Eventually, they went through the test successfully. To their relief, the came back to England and they talked with the trial about that night of the mutiny on the Bounty. Now time has justice judgment. Last but not least, time is tolerant to everyone, including someone who did worse things.

  Time goes on. People have forgotten the mutiny on the Bounty. But the government still looks for other people. To their delight, a captain named Stain found them finally.

  When the sailor lived are ready to take his punishment, Stain said:“But……my god! We can’t do this. You are an old man, Mr. Adams. And you are happy here. Your wives and children need you. It was twenty years ago, man!”

  After finishing reading this book, I close it. And I want to cry ,moving. Because I know how great time is! Time, I respect you forever! appreciate it forever! 、

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