机械设计类外文参考文献及翻译 第8页

机械设计类外文参考文献及翻译 第8页
medium sized enterprises is established. A Java solution is used for constructing the networked manufacturing service system based on the three-tier Browser/Server mode. Since Java technology is introduced to this research, the infrastructure can be easily extended into a standard JINI computing model in the future. The service system which includes the technology information platform, E-commerce platform, and manufacturing service platform, provides a production collaborative environment for users and service bureaus, enables the share of manufacturing resource and can effectively aid the rapid product development of small and medium sized enterprises. This system has been employing in the Northwest Productivity Promotion Center. It has been shown from a number of case studies that the system has a high potential to speed up the new product development. As a result, the implementation of such a system will represent afundamental shift of enterprise strategy and manufacturing paradigms in organization.
Networked manufacturing and manufacturing service system based on Web are new manufacturing mode in term of mission, structure, infrastructure, capabilities, and design process, which need more detailed research and theory building. Many renowned companies and universities have been involving in the further development and new application of networked manufacturing service system. The significantcontribution of this paper is to construct an actual networked manufacturing service system to support rapid product development and demonstrate how to develop a networked service system based on Javaenabled solution. Further research will be focused on the product collaborative commerce (CPC), the collaborative service support, and the detailed structure and formulation of the central-monitoring mechanism of such a partnership system.
This project was supported by The National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) under the title ‘‘RP&M networked service system’’(No. 2002AA414110), and the ‘‘Tenth Five years’’ National Key Technologies R&D Program of China under the title ‘‘ Research and demonstrator of rapid manufacturing integrated system based on rapid prototyping’’ (No. 2001BA205B10-CMTT1001).
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