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机械设计类外文参考文献及翻译 第2页
networked manufacturing (telemanufacturing or global manufacturing) from both the academic community and industrial bodies all over the world in recent years. A number of strategies and frameworks have been proposed. Abdel-Malek et al. [8] described a structure within which a company can outsource several of its production and design activities via internet and developed a model to aid a company in selecting among the available technological and functional alternatives to maximize its flexibility. Montreuil et al. [9] presented a strategic framework for designing and operating agile manufacturing networks, enabling to collaboratively plan, control and manage day-to-day contingencies in a dynamic environment. Tso et al. [10] introduced the architecture of an agent-based collaborative service support system, which is able to carry out service requests in a manufacturing information network through some specially designed virtual agents. Cheng et al. [11] put forward an integrated framework for web-based design and manufacturing which is developed based on Java solution and CORBA-ORG broking technologies. Offodile and Abdel-Malek [12] introduced a framework for integrating IT and manufacturing strategies using the virtual manufacturing paradigm. Huang et al. [13] presented a holonic framework for virtual enterprises and control mechanisms of virtual enterprises under this framework. O’Sullivan [14] described an information architecture and associated toolset for understanding and managing the process of business development. Akkermansa and Horstc [15] discussed managerial aspects of information technology infrastructure standardisation in networked manufacturing firms and presented a strategic framework to guide managers in making sensible decisions regarding IT infrastructure standardisation, based on a number of pre-existing economic and management theories, such as transaction cost theory, organisational design and IT maturity growth stages. Jin et al. [16] presented a research on key application technologies and solutions, which includes a network safety strategy which ensures data transfer among the leaguer members; production data management based on Web/DOT (distributed object technology) and XML criteria which ensure data exchange in structure-variance characteristic environments; the network platform which provides the conversion service of different types of CAD files. Woerner and Woern [17] introduced a new web service based platform providing developed methods for co-operative plant production within virtual engineering.
To full realize the teleservice engineering in today’s globalized manufacturing industry and meet the current market situation and customer demand, a number of global manufacturing networks have been established by, among others, the Society of Manufacturing Engineer [18], Lockheed Martin (AIMSNET) [19] and 3M (the 3M Innovation Global Network) [20].
Today’s industries are facing serious structural problems brought about by their rapid development of overseas activities under a global integrated manufacturing environment. Service and maintenance are becoming extremely important practices for companies to maintain their manufacturing productivity and customer satisfaction in foreign regions. Due to the inherent problems of traditional help desk support, some companies have started developing web-based online customer service support system. Foo et al. [21] described an integrated help desk support for customer service via internet. Lee [7] discussed the concept and framework of a teleservice engineering system for the life cycle support of manufacturing equipment and products. A system for remote customer support has been created in the FCSA demonstrator of the Globerman 21 project [22]. The purpose of these systems above is to provide effective and responsive remote support to customers in the use, maintenance and troubleshooting of their equipment.
University of California is studying and developing a project called the Tele-Manufacturing Facility (TMF) which is to create an automated RP capability on the Internet. TMF allows users to easily submit jobs and have the system automatically maintain a queue. While it can automatically check many flaws in .STL files, and in many cases, fix them [23]. RP potentially offers great benefits when used during the design and manufacturing process. However, RP must be used in an effective manner if these benefits are to be fully exploited. The RP-novices have a lot of difficulties in getting a global view of the RP technique and in tackling well founded decision for investment or outsourcing of RP tasks because of the very quick appearance of new and improved processes in this field. In order to help novices select a suitable RP process, the rapid prototyping system selector has been developed by many researchers [24–27]. Quickparts. com, which is a privately held manufacturing services company dedicated to providing customers with an on-line E-commerce system to procure lowvolume and high-volume custom manufactured parts, has developed a QuickQuote system. The QuickQuote system enables customers to get instant, customerized quotations for the production of their parts [28]. 3D Systems Company, which is the earliest and biggest RP equipment manufacturer, has provided RP&M service for customer via Internet [29].
From these literatures survey, it is clear that most of studies mainly focused on the strategy and overall architecture of networked manufacturing as well as individual function module, there is still no comprehensive and banausic networked manufacturing service system to support rapid product development. Built on the emerging researches and our earlier work (e.g. Refs. [30,31]), a web-based manufacturing service system for rapid product development is to be established.
3. Architecture of the integrated system ofrapid product development
The development process from initial conceptual design to commercial product is an iterative process which includes: product design; analysis of performance, safety and reliability; product prototyping for experimental evaluation; and design modification. Therefore, any step of new product development process has a direct and strong influence on time-to-market. A good product development

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