
A web-based manufacturing service system
     for rapid product development
Hongbo Lana, Yucheng Dinga,*, Jun Honga, Hailiang Huangb, Bingheng Lua
This paper proposes a novel integrated system of rapid product development based on rapid prototyping, and develops anetworked manufacturing service system which offers better support for the rapid product development in small and mediumsized enterprises by taking full advantage of the quickly evolving computer network and information technologies. The architecture of the networked manufacturing service system is presented. Furthermore, some of the key issues, includingmodelling and planning a manufacturing chain, selecting feasible collaborative manufacturers, queuing a manufacturing task, using the synchronously collaborative work environment, and constructing a suitable running platform, are described in detail. Java-enabled solution, together with web techniques, is employed for building such a networked service system. Finally, an actual example is provided illustrating the application of this service system.
Rapid product development; Rapid prototyping; Service system; Web-based application
1. Introduction
This is the era of information technology. Informationtechnology has influenced every realm of society, and dramatically impacted on the traditional industry.Current industries are facing the new challenges:quick response to business opportunity has been consideredas one of the most important factors to ensurecompany competitiveness; manufacturing industry isevolving toward digitalization, network and globalization.In order to respond to the change effectively,manufacturing strategy has to be modified from timeto time in accordance with the market situation andcustomer demand. Any change of strategy should enable manufacturers to be better equipped themselves,with capabilities to cope with demands suchas a faster response to market changes, a shortenedlead time of production, improved quality and speed,the ability to deliver quality products to global customers,and improved communications and transportationsystem [1]. It is an established fact that the useof computers in design and manufacturing constitutesthe most significant opportunity for substantial productivitygain in industry. It has now been widelyaccepted that the future of manufacturing organizationswill be information-oriented, knowledge drivenand much of their daily operations will be automatedaround the global information network that connectseveryone together [2]. In order to meet the demand ofrapid product development, various new technologiessuch as reverse engineering (RE), rapid prototyping (RP), and rapid tooling (RT) have emerged and areregarded as enabling tools with abilities to shorten theproduct development and manufacturing time. Forexample, it has been claimed that RP can cut newproduct development costs by up to 70% and the timeto market by 90% [3]. However, these equipments aretoo expensive for the small and medium sized enterprises(SMEs), and many techniques such as 3D CADsolid modelling, RP process planning, free-form surfacesreconstruction, etc., require the high skilled personnelto complete. Therefore, it is especially difficultfor the SMEs to take full advantage of these technologiesin the product development process. In order tooffer the support of rapid product development fornumerousSMEs,manyRPservice bureaus (SBs)whichcan not only manufacture physical prototype and rapidtooling but also provide other engineering services,have been established. By 2001, there are more than500 SBs all over the world. But not every SB canpossess all design and manufacturing capabilitiesrequired, it must employ effectively the externalresource to better satisfy client requirements. Namely,a virtual enterprise which usually defined as a temporaryalliance of enterprises that come together to sharetheir skills, core competencies, and resource in order tobetter respond to business opportunities, whose cooperationis supported by computer networks [4–6], is tobe founded. Every SBconducts only the tasks of its corecompetencies, and depends on numerous partners tocarry out the remaining tasks that this SB has no such manufacturing capabilities to accomplish in time.While a new thought emphasizing service quality is becoming a basic strategy by which manufacturing industries can win global competition in the 21st century. Teleservice engineering is an emerging fieldwhichaddresses ‘‘service’’751com.cn  issue for manufacturers and customers. As digital manufacturing technique progresses quickly, digital service will be integrated seamlessly into the digital design and manufacturing system [7]. The internet, incorporating computers and multimedia, has provided tremendous potential for remote integration and collaboration in business and manufacturing applications. In order to provide a production collaborative environment for many SMEs and SBs to implement the networked manufacturing, it is especially urgent for many SBs and SMEs to construct a service platform of networked manufacturing to speed up the product development process of the SMEs.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Related research work is reviewed in Section 2. In Section 3, we introduce an integrated system of rapid product development based on RP. Section 4 describes the workflow and functional design of the networked manufacturing service system. The configuration of system running platform is presented in Section 5. In Section 6, we discuss the design of internet application. A case study is demonstrated in Section 7. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper.
2. Related research
With the development of computer network and information technologies, the networked manufacturing techniques are playing a more and more important role in manufacturing industry. Substantial investments have been made to support the research and practice of 950

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]  ... 下一页  >> 

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