
The absurdity in waiting for Godot To some extent,there do be lots of inexplicities in this script.being such an inexplicable script.,it is still regarded as a masterpiece by most of us.the main reason that it being a masterpiece is that people who read this script would be conveyed a sort of gloomy contemplation about our life.the content of the script force us to brood over the things which even do not exist.just like some episodes in the script,we have to adress that as absurdity due to we can not get our thought in touch with the author . However ,if I were ordered to point out some strange and werid episodes,I believe I am still be capable of figuring it out according my limited comprehension First of all ,the reason they wait for Godot is unknown.In the real live,every thing we manage to do always happened with our own reason.whereas Vladimir and Esragon(mian characters in the script) just kept on waiting Godot without any reason.The weirder things are that they even do not know when Godot will come up and that they are not sure which exact tree they shoul stand by in order to meet Godot.,Secondly,Vladimir and Esragon`s reasonless behaviour.broadly speaking ,this script is filled up with inexplicable behaviours.For instance,feelind something exotic inside of his boot,Esragom tried to remove his boot from his foot .however,Esragon can not find anything inside after he managed to take it off and then he became unexpected depressed.Another example is that Vladimir abruptly peering out his bleak surroundings while he just talked with Esragon. The apperance of Pozzo and his slave Lucky in the script.they came to my horizon in the middle of the script and the end of the it.At first ,Lucky have been shown himself as Pozzo`s slave by his arduous job.But,surprisingly,Lucky do not leave his master even thought his master Pozzo became a blind (the reason is unknown) in the end of the script.having suffer such a lot,how can Lucy would not leave and regian hie freedom. Who is the boy indeed?The boy came up in the script twice.and in both of his occurances,he only left us a lines of words.and that is “Godot would not come that evening but surely tomorrow”we do not know what exact role that boy play in.what we know literally is that Vladimir and Esragon have to wait another tomorrow.and the boy`s overtune is there will be countless tomorrow in their lives before they die. ,and they never could wait so long. Godot,his has never come up in the script.literally,he just a name.whereas,he is the soul of the script .Not only we but also the author regard him as a notional character in the script.To some of us ,he is weird and absurd because he does not exist after we have read the whole script .but thaks to his non-existance,it make the room for our readers to imagine .what`s more it make us begin to reconsider the real meaning of the script. From my perspective,Godot is the god,people in the script would never meet him since they are mortal men.i know every thing does not seem very coherent and every interesting before we finish the script.but ,in the moment I read the last word in the script,honest,I have to excliam how elaborate the design it is ,and I know I will take this script as my intangible asset in my life. Also I hope and I think waiting for Godot this book would delight all of us ..having read the whole script,I was deeply delighted and touched by the theme of script.and I think the author is exerting to convey the his feeling,and that is no matter how great we are now.since we are all the mortal,what we should do is barely cherish we would never be bewilder about our unpromising life when we review it.
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