
At the time of great wealth, have hidden this evil
About <The godfather>
This book was written by Mario Puzo. He is a native of Americans. And long-term living in the heart of capitalism--- New York.
He was a Columbia University study on the various aspects of American society.<The godfather> was the thirth book he writied and was the most successful one.
A major feature of <The godfather> is:The protagonist,Corleone family, did all bad And Sharenruma.But I do not hate them after I close the book.
Because I think Corleone is a righteous family. What they have done everything to help the weak and to maintain social justice.
As mentioned in the book:” Don Vito Corleone will take their troubles in mind. No matter how much wealth they have and the level of identity they are. He will use the best way to sold the truobles.”
Started a book about a person called Asian Lige. Bonasela. He He compliance with United States law. He beliebve that police and judge will protece his family. But when his daughter was bullied he found that law was protact the perpetrators.
Don Vito Corleone help this poor owner of the funeral parlours. What Don requirements the return with all he had only helped people like: One day, perhaps not the day, this owner of the funeral parlours help him.
Many people believe that the United States is the perfect place hearts. But <The godfather> told the ture that : Money is the god in United States.
Here is the legal protection of the rich. It is a place full of crime. At the time of great wealth, have hidden this evil
In this damned American society, only corleone familly can help you.
Finally, let us <The Godfather> in the classic phrase to the end of this article:
1.Don't hate your enemy.or you will make wrong judgement.
2.Don't let an one know what you think.
3.Don't tell me you are innocent,because it insults my intelligence.
4.My father made him an offer that he couldn't refuse.
5.Lawyers can steal more money with a suitcase than a thousand men with 6.guns and masks.
7.Every man has one destiny.
8.Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold.
9.Don’t insult my intelligence.
10.I'll make him an offer he can't refuse
To be digression: Please try to see the original English. Because many wonderful American obscenity have been deleted in translation.

For example:Sonny had been listening judiciously. “I want somebody very good, very safe, to plant that gun,” he told Clemenza. “I don’t want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his in his hand.”
Chinese is :”我不想我弟弟出厕所时两手空空.” where is the “****” ?

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