
Chapter1: The introduce 1
Chapter2: The introduce of Internet protocol (IP) 1
2.1 IPv4 header format 1
2.2 IPv6 3
2.2.1 The defect of IPv4 3
2.2.2 The advantage of IPv6 4
2.2.3 IPv6 header format 5
2.2.4 IPv6 Extension Headers 7
2.3 The developing state of IPv6 8
2.3.1 The developing state of other contry 8
2.3.2 The developing state of CHINA 8
2.4 The security analysis of Internet protocol 9
Chapter3: Internet Protocol Security 14
3.1 IP Security overview 14
3.2 IP security Architecture 15
3.3 How IPsec works and the work mode 17
3.3.1 how IPsec works 17
3.3.2 Transport mode and Tunnel mode 18
Chapter4: Implementing IPsec 23
4.1 Configuration the lab’s platform for IPv4 23
4.1.1 The requirement analysis 23
4.1.2 Configuration the platform 23
4.1.3 Test the platform 26
4.2 implement IPsec 27
4.2.1 The main step of configure IPsec 27
4.3 Test IPsec 30
4.4 Using IPSec between two local link hosts 38
Chapter5: Conclusion 44
Reference books 46
The introduce of guide teacher 47
Acknowledgement 48
论文摘要:为了满足对当前IP地址枯竭问题日益严重,和希望为现代设备提供更多的功能,对现在使用着的Internet Protocol——IPv4版本的升级,已经被确认。这个新的版本的协议叫做IPv6,解决了设计IPv4时候没有考虑到的问题,同时它也把Internet带入了21世纪。 在第一章讲解了IP的发展历、现状和其报文格式(包括IPv4和IPv6)以及IP安全做了简单的分析。本文在主要围绕如何在通信链路上提高数据传输地完全,它的主题是IP安全。在本文中描述了IPsec的工作模式和它的报文格式。你可以在本文中看到如何配置IPsec的步骤。我们还在华为公司的路由器上实现了IPsec。我们在IPv6 上也实现了IPsec。最后,我们分析了在实施了IPsec的网络和没有IPsec保护的网络的不同安全等级。这些工具包括sniffer和系统自带的调试工具

关键词:IP 安全. IPv6  隧道模式 传输模式 AH ESP
IPv6 implemented in campus---IP security analysis

Zhengquan Zeng
(Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, Yunnan, 650224, China)

Abstract: Due to recent concerns over the impending depletion of the current pool of Internet addresses and the desire to provide additional functionality for modern devices, an upgrade of the current version of the Internet Protocol (IP), called IPv4, has been defined. This new version, called IP version 6 (IPv6), resolves unanticipated IPv4 design issues and takes the Internet into the 21st Century. In chapter1, we introduce the history of Internet protocol, the current develop state, the format of Internet protocol (IPv4 and IPv6) and analysis the security of IP. This paper describes the IP security which can enhance the data’s security at the communication links, the different mode’s IPsec and it’s format. You can view the steps of configuration IPsec .And we will implement IPsec on routers which manufactured by HUAWEI company. In the project, we also use IPsec above IPv6. At last, we will analysis the different security level between implemented IPsec network and without IPsec protected network. The tools included sniffer, the OS’s self test or debugging tools.


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