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更新时间:2016-11-7:  来源:毕业论文

社区隔代抚养现状研究  摘要:隔代抚养是在我国当前下一代教育中占着重要地位的一种抚养方式,据不完全统计,中国5000万个城市家庭中约有2/3以上,子女的抚养和照看需要依赖于老人。城市中工作的父母经常忙于事业,从而疏于对子女的教育抚养,而老人在这个时候成为教育子女的主力军隔代抚养有利有弊。其益处在于能够缓解年轻父母的压力,让父母能够更好地投身于事业,同时老人在照看孩子上的丰富经验能够给予孩子更多关怀,让孩子能够更好的成长。但隔代教育更多的是培育,而没有教育,老人更多的是负责起孩子的长大,以及衣食住行,对孩子的心智成长却关心甚少,也显得力不从心,而老人对孩子的溺爱也成为年轻父母的心头之痛。本文从在xx社区的实证调研出发,从小区中得出亲身实际的调查结果,并进行分析总结,得出社区隔代抚养的基本现状,对之研究,得出现代隔代抚养的优势与弊端,提出弊大于利, 并对隔代抚养的利弊进行剖析,以实现扬长避短。

关键词: 隔代抚养;优势;弊端;扬长避短

The Research of Community Grandparenting

Abstract: Grandparenting is a parenting plays an important role in the generation of education in our country at present, according to incomplete statistics, China's 50000000 City home in about 2/3 above, child support and care for the need to rely on the old man. In the city the parents often busy career, and neglect to children's education and upbringing, the old man at this time has become the main force of education of children raised by grandparents there are both advantages and disadvantages. The benefits that can alleviate the pressure of young parents, let parents are better able to devote themselves to the cause, and rich experience in taking care of children on the elderly can give children more care, let the child can grow up better. But the education for children is more nurturing, not education, the old man is more responsible for the children grow up, as well as the basic necessities of life, to the child's mental development is concerned about, also appeared to be inadequate, and the old man spoil the child becomes young parents pain in the heart. In this paper, from the empirical research in the XX community, the survey results to practical from the area, analysed and summarized in this paper, the basic situation of the community raised by grandparents, the research, it is concluded that the modern inter-generational dependency advantages and disadvantages, put forward the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, advantages and disadvantages of grandparents raising are analyzed, in order to realize the weaknesses.
Key words:Grand parenting;  advantages ; disadvantages

一、 绪论 1
(一) 研究背景 1
(二) 研究目的和研究意义 1
(三) 研究方法 2
(四) 重要概念和国内外相关研究现状 2
二、 在xx社区的实证调研分析 3
(一) 实证调研 3
(二) 隔代抚养问题日益凸显的原因 4
1、 城里的年轻父母忙于事业 4
2、 有些年轻人根本不会抚养孩子,因为他们都不懂得如何照顾自己。 4
3、 高离婚率背景下,“隔代抚养”成为一种必然。 4
(三) 隔代抚养的类型 5
1、 过分关注型 5
2、 过分监督型 5
3、 严厉惩罚型 6
4、 民主、温暖和理解型 6
三、 隔代抚养弊大于利 6
(一) 隔代抚养的优势 6
1、 有益孩子健康 6
2、 年轻父母可省却后顾之忧,能够全心投入事业 6
3、 能满足老人们尽享天伦之乐的愿望 6
4、祖辈不会强逼孩子去学习 7
(二) 隔代抚养的弊端 7
1、 隔代抚养最容易导致溺爱的发生 7
2、 隔代抚养不科学的生活教育方式 8
3、 引发家庭矛盾,导致亲子隔阂 8
4、 影响儿童早期心智成长 8
5、 安全隐患 9
(三) 隔代抚养弊大于利 9
四、 隔代抚养扬长避短的对策 10
(一) 隔代抚养是现状也是无奈 10
(二) 隔代抚养扬长要扬长避短 10
1、 老人应转变溺爱、专制等不利于孩子成长的教养方式 10
2、 隔代抚养中,老人要以民主平等的心态和孩子沟通 10
3、 注重两代家长之间的协调,以统一的标准去教育孩子 11
4、 家长老人之间多多沟通 11
5、 老人应尽可能更新观念,改进教育方式 11
6、 隔代抚养不能取代亲子教育 11
致谢  13
参考文献 14
附录  15 ,3580

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