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更新时间:2016-11-6:  来源:毕业论文

工业企业废水排放现状及监管评估和监管体系研究 摘要:为确保实现水污染总量控制,保证城镇污水处理厂稳定运行,完善监管体系,从而保护上海市水环境,通过对上海市各工业企业污水排放情况展开调研。

Current situation of wastewater emissions from industrial enterprises and regulatory assessment as well as the regulatory system research in Shanghai
Abstract: To ensure that the total amount of water pollution is brought under control, guarantee the stable operation of urban wastewater treatment plants, improve and perfect the regulatory system, which aim to protect the environment of water in Shanghai through the research of the situation of wastewater discharge of every industrial enterprises in Shanghai
    The methods of the research: publishing census, detailed fact-finding tour to the key enterprises of discharge.
    The result of the research: the industries of which the total amount the annual wastewater discharge is huge and the comprehensive assessment is worse: textile industry, the industry of chemical materials and that of the manufacture of chemicals, the secondary sector of the smelt and roll of ferrous metal. Tightening supervision should be focused on these industries, at the same time, we should improve and perfect the regulatory system. Target the industries which exist many of the above-mentioned  problems and whose wastewater discharge is huge.
Regard nanotubes and the enterprises which produce a type of pollutant factor as the key supervised entities of district, inspecting them at least once every quarter. Inspect the key supervised entities of country and city at least once every month, inspect that of district at least once every quarter, and inspect the general enterprises at least once every half of a year.
Key Words:  Water discharge; Regulatory assessment; regulatory system;
目  录
1绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2调研意义 1
1.2.1保护上海市水环境 1
1.2.2完善监管体系 1
1.2.3 保证城镇污水处理厂稳定运行 2
1.2.4 确保实现水污染物总量控制 2
2文献综述 3
2.1 调查对比分析 3
2.1.1 普查 3
2.1.2 抽样调查 3
2.1.3 典型调查和重点调查 3
2.1.4 询问调查法 3
2.1.5 直接调查法和间接调查法 4
2.1.6 实验调查法和统计分析法 4
2.1.7 调查研究法 4
2.2 宏观环境分析 4
2.2.1 经济因素 4
2.2.2 政策环境 4
2.2.3 社会文化 5
2.2.4 技术角度 5
2.3 调查方案确定 5
3现状调查 6
3.1 调查方法 6
3.1.1 资料收集 6
3.1.2 调查表设计 6
3.1.3 技术指导 9
3.1.4 实地调查 9
3.2总体情况 9
3.2.1进水COD指标分析 10
3.2.2 进水氨氮指标分析 11
3.2.3 进水总磷指标分析 11
3.3 全市工业废水排放情况 13

4数据处理 15
4.1 通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业 15
4.1.1 企业区域分布 15
4.1.2 用水量区域分布 15
4.1.3 排水量区域分布 16
4.1.4 废水预处理量区域分布 16
4.1.5 调查情况 16
4.2 化学原料及化学制品制造业 18
4.2.1 企业区域分布 18
4.2.2 用水量区域分布 18
4.2.3 排水量区域分布 18
4.2.4 废水预处理量区域分布 18
4.2.5 调查情况 18
4.3 交通运输设备制造业 20
4.3.1 企业区域分布 20
4.3.2 用水量区域分布 20
4.3.3 排水量区域分布 20
4.3.4 废水预处理量区域分布 20
4.3.5调查情况 20
4.4 纺织业 22
4.4.1 企业区域分布 22
4.4.2 用水量区域分布 22
4.4.3 排水量区域分布 22
4.4.4 废水预处理量区域分布 22
4.4.5调查情况 22
4.5 金属制品业 24
4.5.1 企业区域分布 24
4.5.2 用水量区域分布 24
4.5.3 排水量区域分布 24
4.5.4 废水预处理量区域分布 24
4.5.5调查情况 24
4.6 食品制造业 26
4.6.1 企业区域分布 26
4.6.2 用水量区域分布 26

4.6.3 排水量区域分布 26
4.6.4 废水预处理量区域分布 27
4.6.5调查情况 27
4.7 医药制造业 28
4.7.1 企业区域分布 28
4.7.2 用水量区域分布 28
4.7.3 排水量区域分布 28
4.7.4 废水预处理量区域分布 29
4.7.5调查情况 29
4.8 黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 30
4.8.1 企业区域分布 30
4.8.2 用水量区域分布 30
4.8.3 排水量区域分布 30
4.8.4 废水预处理量区域分布 31
4.8.5调查情况 31
4.9 通用设备制造业 32
4.9.1 企业区域分布 32
4.9.2 用水量区域分布 32
4.9.3 排水量区域分布 32
4.9.4 废水预处理量区域分布 33
4.9.5调查情况 33
5 探讨 35
5.1工业废水排放监管现状 35
5.2法律依据和监管机构设置 35
5.2.1法律依据 35
5.2.2机构设置及人员配备 36
5.3 工业企业污水排放监管现状 38
6 结论与建议 40
6.1结论 40
6.1.1 企业排放问题 40
6.1.2监管体制问题 40
6.1.3监管能力问题 40
6.2 建议 41
6.2.1 重点布控 41

6.2.2完善监管体制 41
6.2.3提高监管能力 41
致    谢 43
参考文献 44,3571

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