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更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文

广东省利用外资存在的问题及对策研究 摘要:广东省作为中国经济增长的三大引擎之一,自从改革开放三十多年以来,利用自身特殊的地理位置的优势以及中央给予的特殊政策,通过自身的发展和及时制定一系列吸引外资的政策,成功吸收了大量外商直接投资,促进了广东省经济的飞速发展。但是在引进外商直接投资的过程中,广东也存在区域投资严重失衡、产业结构不合理、引进外资技术缺乏消化创新,外资来源过于集中于港澳以及忽视可持续发展等一系列发展问题,如何优化区域投资,加快两翼及山区的引资能力;引导FDI向第一、第三产业流动,促进结构的优化升级;加大吸引跨国公司R&D投资,重视高素质人才教育,加大外资技术的消化吸收能力;促使外资来源多元化和注重可持续发展是本文主要讨论的内容。
Guangdong foreign investment problems and countermeasures
Abstract: Guangdong Province, as one of three major engines of China's economic growth. After reforming and opening up three decades, Guangdong using its own unique geographical advantages and the specific policy of the central authorities. Through its own development, the timely development and a series of policies, it attracted many foreign investments and absorbed a lot of foreign direct investment successfully, and also promotes the rapid development of Guangdong's economy. However, there are also serious imbalances about regional investment, irrational industrial structure during the introduction of foreign direct investment in Guangdong. It is lack of digest and Innovation for foreign sources and foreign technology. Most of the foreign sources focused on Hong Kong and Macao as well as neglect the sustainable development and a series of development issues. This article focuses on the following topics. First, How to optimize regional investment, accelerate the wings and the ability to attract investment mountains; Second, Guide FDI to the first and third industry flows, promote structural optimization and upgrading; Third, Increasing efforts to attract multinational R&D investment, emphasis on high-quality talent education, increase digestion and absorption of foreign technology capabilities; Finally, Promoting foreign investment and diversify foreign sources become more diversified and pay attention to sustainable development.
Key words: FDI; Regional economic; Industrial structure
 目 录
一、 广东省利用外资的历史及现状 2
二、 广东省利用外资存在的问题 4
(一) 区域投资严重失衡 4
(二) 产业结构不合理 5
(三) 引进外资技术缺乏消化创新 6
(四) 外资来源过于集中于港澳 6
(五) 忽视可持续发展 7
三、 分析问题以及解决问题 8
(一) 优化区域投资 8
(二) 产业结构升级 9
(三) 加大对外资技术的消化吸收和创新 10
(四) 外资来源多元化 11
(五) 坚持可持续发展 11
小 结 13
致 谢 14
参考文献 15,3549

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