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更新时间:2016-10-27:  来源:毕业论文

我国养老地产开发环境及政策分析+案例分析 摘要:当前,我国人口老龄化日益加剧,而作为能充分体现对高质量老年生活追求的养老地产在我国发展还比较薄弱。为了缓解同趋严峻的养老问题,社会化养老模式势在必行。面对着庞大的老年市场,养老地产将有着广阔的发展前景。这一趋势也使我国养老地产开发行业面临巨大的机遇和挑战。在这种状况下,本文以我国的养老地产为研究对象,首先综述了养老地产的概念及国内、外养老地产的发展现状,选取有代表性的国家为例,介绍了养老地产发展的历程及成功经验。然后借鉴国外发达国家养老地产开发先进经验,分析养老地产开发所存在的问题并提出了相关的政策建议,对促进我国养老地产持续快速发展的具有重要的现实意义及理论意义。
关键词: 养老地产;开发环境;政策建议

The pension property development environment and policy analysis
ABSTRACT:At present, China's aging population has increasing rapidly. Old-age real estate can provide them with high quality of life, but it is still under-developed. To alleviate the serious problem of old-age, social old-age model is imperative.With the rapidly growing needs of the vast China’s elderly, the real estate development for old-age will have broad prospects and great potential.This trend made our old-age real estate development industry faces a huge pension opportunities and challenges.In this case,this article is about old-age real estate in China. First of all this article reviewed the old-age real estate concept and based on domestic and international developing cases, the author choose several countries to review their development histories and experiences, and analyzed the current situation and problems in China.Then, this article based on the advanced experience of real estate development in developed countries,this essay established a pension real estate development pattern, analysising of old-age real estate development problems and put forward policy recommendations to promote sustained and rapid development of old-age real estate in China, that has important practical significance and theoretical significance.
Key Words:Old-age Real Estate; Development environment; Policy Proposal
目  录
摘要 1
1 绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 论文框架 3
2 养老地产概述 4
2.1 养老地产的概念及内涵 4
2.2 养老地产的特点 4
2.3 当前养老地产的主要类型 5
3 国内外养老地产发展现状与市场需求分析 7
3.1 国内养老地产发展现状 7
3.2 国外养老地产发展现状 8
3.2.1 北美地区----以美国、加拿大为例 8
3.2.2 西欧地区----以瑞典为例 9
3.2.3 亚洲地区----以日本为例 10
3.3 养老地产市场需求分析 10
3.3.1 养老地产的市场需求 10
3.3.2 养老地产的发展趋势 11
4 我国养老地产开发环境分析 13
4.1 我国养老地产开发环境分析 13
4.1.1 政策环境 13
4.1.2 经济环境 14
4.1.4 文化环境 16
4.2 现有开发环境对我国养老地产发展的影响分析 16
4.2.1 现有开发环境对我国养老地产发展的有利因素 16
4.2.2 现有开发环境对我国养老地产发展的不利因素 17
4.3 养老地产发展的困局 18
4.3.1 成本困局 18
4.3.2 开发困局 19
4.3.3 运营困局 19
4.4 对我国养老地产发展的政策建议 20
5 国内外养老社区模式 23
5.1 国际慈善机构(HTA)老年居住建筑分类标准 23
5.2 国外养老社区模式 25
5.2.1 国外老年居住建筑模式 25
5.2.2 国外老年住宅特征 27
5.3 中国养老社区模式 28
5.3.1 候鸟式养老模式 28
5.3.2 活跃型养老模式 28
5.3.3 异地型养老模式 29
5.3.4 农家式养老模式 30
6 养老地产开发案例分析 31
6.1国外养老地产案例分析 31
6.1.1美国太阳城养老社区 31
6.1.2日本高科技养老院 34
6.2国内养老地产案例分析 35
6.2.1 昆山绿地孝贤坊 35
6.2.2北京太阳城 38
6.3养老地产公司案例----上海绿地集团 42
7 总结 44
致谢 46
参考文献 47,3512

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