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更新时间:2016-10-21:  来源:毕业论文

我国出口贸易对环境污染的影响及对策 摘  要:文章在分析我国出口贸易与环境污染现状的基础上,分别从行业和地区的角度,选取工业出口额排名前七的行业和地区,运用图表对生产过程中的出口贸易额和“三废”的排放量进行分析,再运用回归分析法从整体分析,发现开放程度越高的行业和地区,其出口贸易额和污染物排放量的增长趋势越一致,出口规模的扩大加大了污染物的排放,加剧对环境的污染。通过分析最后提出优化出口产品结构,实施绿色包装以及发展绿色物流等对策建议。

China’s Export Trade Effects of Environmental Pollution and Countermeasures
Abstract: This article selects the top seven industries and regions in the industrial exports from the prospect of industry and regional based on the analysis of present situation of export trade and environmental pollution in China, and analyse the export trade in the process of production and the “three wastes” emissions by using the chart, and then analysis overall using regression analysis founding the higher the degree of industries and regions, the export trade volume and pollutant emissions growth trend is more uniform. The expansion of export scale increases the emission of pollutants and aggravate the pollution of the environment. Finally this article proposes the countermeasures to perfect the structure of export products, implement green packaging and develop the green logistics and so on .
Key words: Export Trade; Environmental Pollution; Waste Emissions
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国出口贸易与环境污染的现状分析 2
(一)出口产品结构与环境污染的现状 2
(二)出口贸易方式与环境污染的现状 3
(三)出口物流的发展与环境污染的现状 4
二、出口贸易对我国环境污染的影响分析 5
(一)出口贸易对环境污染影响的概况 5
(二)主要工业行业的出口对环境污染的影响 7
(三)主要出口地区的出口对环境污染的影响 9
(四)我国出口贸易对环境污染影响的实证分析 12
三、我国解决出口贸易与环境问题的对策选择 14
(一)政府应加大对环境的保护和治理力度 14
(二)优化出口贸易的产品结构 14
(三)发展绿色物流 15
(四)推行环境标准认证和管理 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18,3441

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