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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

新媒体时代的报纸舆论引导影响与策略研究 摘  要:新媒体的出现对报纸舆论引导产生了巨大的影响。使得舆论话题更加海量化、多元化;引导形式更加立体化、形象化;引导途径更加丰富化、多样化;传播效果更加削弱化等,这些影响给报纸引导舆论带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。本文针对新媒体对报纸舆论引导的影响,通过文献研究法和案例分析法,在了解双方利弊的基础上,提出了一些推动报纸更好引导舆论的建议,如完善网络监控体制、提高舆论敏感;整合网络信息资源、锤炼观点深度;借鉴网络编排方式、创新引导形式等。以期报纸能更好的引导舆论。

An Analysis on Guidance of Public Opinion through Newspapers in an Era of New Media
Abstract: with the emergence of new media, the guidance of public opinion through newspapers is greatly impacted. In this case, there present a vaster amount of more diversified topics about public opinion and public opinion is guided in more three-dimensional and vivid forms. Besides, the approaches to guidance become more abundant and diversified, while communication effects are worsened to a larger extent. Unprecedented opportunities and challenges are brought to the guidance of public opinion through newspapers due to these impacts. In light of the influences of new media on the guidance of public opinion through newspapers, some suggestions are put forward in this paper for better guiding public opinion through newspapers by literature research and case analysis based on understanding both advantages and disadvantages, such as to improve network monitoring system, enhance the sensitivity to public opinion, make viewpoints more far-reaching, refer to network layout and innovate guiding forms, etc, in hope that public opinion can be better guided through newspapers.
KeyWords:New Media; Newspapers; Guidance of Public Opinion; Strategies
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、报纸舆论引导概述 2
(一)舆论引导的概述 2
(二)报纸舆论引导的特殊性 3
二、新媒体对报纸舆论引导的影响 4
(一)舆论话题更加海量化、多元化 4
(二)引导形式更加立体化、形象化 5
(三)引导途径更加丰富化、多样化 5
(四)受众参与更加平民化、匿名化 6
(五)传播效果更加削弱化、分散化 7
三、新媒体时代报纸舆论引导策略 7
(一)完善网络监控体制、提高舆论敏感 7
(二)整合网络信息资源、锤炼观点深度 8
(三)借鉴网络编排方式、创新引导形式 9
(四)增加受众参与渠道、增强读者互动 10
(五)设置报纸网络版面、实现平台延伸 10
参考文献 12,3238

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