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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文


摘  要:央视的《新闻联播》等时政新闻节目承担着我国政府最为核心的政治新闻报道和宣传任务,有着鲜明的政治色彩和严格的规范性、程序性。但此类时政新闻节目存在报道面偏窄、报道形式比较单一、报道内容存在失实、报道风格不够亲民等问题,导致其受关注却不受欢迎。本文以《新闻联播》为例,分析了此类时政新闻节目存在的节目定位过高、报道思文僵化、过分注重宣传效应、受众意识缺乏等方面的问题,有针对性地提出了适度改革媒体定位、革新报道思文、尽量避免新闻失实、坚持“三贴近”原则等对策,以改善电视时政新闻报道节目的现状,获得更好的社会效益。

The Problems and Countermeasures of TV Political News Reports in China ------Take the CCTV News Broadcast as an example
Abstract: CCTV news broadcast and other forms of political news programs bear the most crucial responsibility of government news reports and publicity, taking on pronounced political orientation, strict normalization and routinization. However, some problems are still evitable such as the relatively narrow angle of news coverage, the limited report forms, the existence of pseudo events as well as the unfamiliar reporting style, which lead to the news unpopular. Taking the news broadcast as an example, the intention of this study is to analyze the problems in the political news including overvaluation of the political programs, too much emphasis on publicity effect and the lack of audience awareness. At the same time, in order to improve the status quo of political news report and get better social benefit, the study also focus on the countermeasures like the reform of the media position, innovation of the report style, fighting against pseudo news and being closer to the audiences.
Key words: TV political news; CCTV news broadcast; problems; countermeasures
目    录

摘   要 1
Abstract 1
一、电视时政新闻报道的基本理论 2
(一)主要报道内容 2
(二)在新闻报道中的地位 2
(三)主要代表性节目 3
二、《新闻联播》时政新闻报道存在问题分析 3
(一)报道面偏窄 3
(二)报道形式单一 4
(三)报道内容存在失实现象 5
(四)报道风格不够亲民 6
三、《新闻联播》时政新闻报道存在问题的原因分析 7
(一)媒体定位“曲高和寡” 7
(二)报道思文过于僵化 8
(三)过分注重宣传效应 8
(四)受众意识缺乏 9
四、对《新闻联播》等电视时政新闻报道改革的建议 10
(一)适度改革媒体定位 10
(二)革新报道思文 11
(三)尽量避免新闻失实 12
(四)坚持“三贴近”原则 12
参考文献 14,3237

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