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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

英国加入欧元区的可能性分析 摘  要:英国是否会加入欧元区,取决于英国对加入欧元区经济利弊的考量。当前英国面临着严重的经济问题,加入欧元区可以为英国带来交易成本减少、汇率稳定增加经济收益、吸引更多的投资和与其他国家公平竞争的好处,但也会产生部分经济政策主权丧失、与欧元区财政顷同所需的成本过大、经济差异化难以适应欧元区国家的不利影响。笔者认为,利弊衡量之间,英国最终会选择加入欧元区。

Analysis on the Possibility of the United Kingdom Joining the Euro-zone
Abstract: Whether UK will join the euro-zone depends on the consideration of pros and cons when joining the euro-zone. Currently, confronted with severe economic issue, joining the euro-zone enables UK to bring many benefits, such as, decreasing the transaction costs, stabilizing the exchange rate, increasing the economic benefits, attracting more investments and competing fairly with other countries. However, it will also generate some Loss, such as sovereignty of economic policy, bring large cost as euro-zone's finance, and adverse effects on difficulty of in adapting to euro-zone countries due to economic differentiation. I believe that UK will eventually choose to join the euro-zone after evaluating the pros and cons.
Key Words:Britain;euro-zone;optimal currency areas;possibility
目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、欧元区的创建进程及英国与欧元区的关系 2
(一)欧元区的创建进程 2
(二)英国与欧洲及欧元区的关系 3
二、英国经济的现状与问题 4
(一)英国经济现状 4
(二)英国经济存在的问题 5
三、英国加入欧元区对英国经济的影响 6
(一)加入欧元区的有利影响 6
(二)加入欧元区的不利影响 7
四、英国加入欧元区的可能性分析 8
(一)英国最终将会加入欧元区 8
(二) 基于判断的原因分析 9
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3232

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