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更新时间:2011-9-9:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要随着对外开放和城市改革的深入,深圳市经济取得了举世瞩目的发展,成为全国家喻户晓的大城市。这一切离不开进入城市农民工,他们为深圳这个城市的繁荣、发展以及现代化建设做出了巨大的贡献。然而,深圳现行农民工社会保险制度不够完善,农民工享受到深圳经济发展与劳动成果的比例有很大的距离。为此,研究分析农民工社会保险权益,将农民工纳人社会保险制度,进一步完善深圳市现行的社会保险制度,不仅关系到广大农民工的切身利益,还关系到深圳市稳定和经济进一步发展。
关键词:深圳 农民工 社会保险毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
Research on Shenzhen Off-farm Workers Social Insurance ABSTRACT                       
With the opening and deepening urban reform, Shenzhen has achieved remarkable economic development, and a national household name. All this can not do without off-farm workers into the city, for their prosperity in the city of Shenzhen, development and modernization has made tremendous contributions. However, due to the imperfect existing social insurance system in Shenzhen, there is a great distance between Shenzhen's economic development and the fruits of labor off-farm workers can share. Therefore, researching and analyzing the social insurance rights and interests of off-farm workers, that will be incorporated social insurance system, further improve the existing Shenzhen's social insurance system, not only to the vital interests of the majority of off-farm workers, and also on the stability and Shenzhen to further economic development.
In the article, this off-farm workers in Shenzhen City, as the study of social insurance, the empirical study of off-farm workers in Shenzhen City status and problems of development, such as pension, industrial injury, medical, unemployment, maternity. On this basis, puts forward to several measures to improve Shenzhen Laborer Social Insurance.
Key words: Shenzhen  Off-farm Workers  Social Insurance  
目  录
摘  要 I
1绪论 1原文请找腾讯752018766优,文~论'文.网
1.1论文研究的背景与意义 ...1
1.2相关概念界定 1
1.2.1社会保险 1
1.2.2养老保险 1
1.2.3工伤保险 1
1.2.4医疗保险 2
1.2.5失业保险 2
1.2.6生育保险 2
1.3论文的研究思路与结构 2
2深圳市农民工社会保险现状与调查分析 3
2.1农民工养老保险的现状与调查分析 3
2.2农民工工伤保险的现状与调查分析 5
2.3农民工医疗保险的现状与调查分析 7
2.4农民工失业保险的现状与调查分析 8
2.5农民工生育保险的现状与调查分析 10
3深圳市农民工社会保险问题的研究思考. 12
3.1农民工社会保险面临的问题 12
3.2农民工社会保险权益缺失的原因分析 13
4完善深圳市农民工社会保险的对策 15
4.1完善农民工社会保险的目标和基本的思路 15
4.2政府和企业应当成为推动农民工参加社会保险的主导力量 15
4.3增强农民工文护意识,提高农民工参保积极性 ...16
4.4保持经济持续、健康发展,不断完善社会保险制度 16
5结论 17
参考文献 18
附  录 19
谢  辞 22,1998

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