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更新时间:2011-9-8:  来源:毕业论文

我国对药品的价格管制经历了从全面管制到全面开放,再到逐步管制的过程,药品价格管制的探索与改革一直在进行。药品源文请加腾讯752018766优,文^论'文.网 定价、强制降价及集中招标等制度的实施,在一定程度上降低了虚高的药品价格,但百姓并没有太大的切身感受,药品价格出现了市场调节与政府管制“双失灵”现象。
作为改革开放的前沿城市毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ ,深圳市在药品价格的政府管制中率先实践,并在探索和实践的过程中凝练了自己的特色,目前已初步形成医药分开、改革以药补医机制的实践路径。本文从药品价格管制的提出背景及意义、理论依据及发展概况三个方面,深入剖析药价居高不下的根源,结合深圳市在药品价格上的管制措施及存在的问题,提出完善深圳市药品价格管制的政策建议,进一步为我国其他城市的药品价格管制提供参考。
关键词:药品价格 政府管制 深圳市 政策建议
Research on the Government Regulation of Drug Price
-- Case of Shenzhen ABSTRACT
The constant increase of medical cost is one of common challenges encountered by most countries in the world in the area of the medical service,of which virtually high drug price is the important factor.Government introduced price controls on drugs is the basis of improve the medicine supply system,and also the key issues of ensure the smooth implementation for Medical and health system.
Price controls on drugs in China has gone from full control to the fully open,and then to gradually control,Pharmaceutical Research and reform of price control is going on all along. Some systems,such as constraint price reduction,the drug centralized bid procurement and government-fixed price,may reduce the virtually high drug price to some extent,however,the publIc seems not to feel the real benefit,it appears double-failure for market adjustment and government regulation on drug price.
As a opening up city that at the forefront of reform,Shenzhen has its own characteristics in the government control on drug prices,now has been preliminary formed Implementation of ideas,such as medical separation,Reform using drugs to supplement medical income's mechanism.This paper made from the drug price control background and significance, theoretical basis and development process these three areas,depth analysis the root of high drug prices,summarized Shenzhen government controls drug prices 's measure and problems.Link with ShenZhen's situation,give some feasible recommendations and countermeasures.Through research on ShenZhen’s regulation of drug price, provide advice to other cities in China.
Key words:Drug price Government regulation Shenzhen Policy recommendations
目  录
摘要 I
1引言 1
2药品价格管制的理论综述 2
2.1药品价格管制的基本内涵 2
2.1.1药品的基本内涵 2
2.1.2政府管制的定义 2
2.1.3药价管制的内涵 3
2.2 药品价格管制的理论依据 3
2.2.1公共产品理论 3
2.2.2信息不对称理论 4
2.2.3委托代理理论 4
3我国药品价格政府管制的发展概况 6
3.1我国药品价格管制的历史沿革 6
3.1.1中央计划管理时期(1949-1978年) 6
3.1.2价格管理过渡时期(1979-1993年) 6
3.1.3价格管制探索时期(1994年至今) 7
3.2目前我国药品价格管制的形式 7
3.2.1药品定价制度 7

3.2.2强制降价制度 8
3.2.3集中招标制度 8
3.3 当前我国药价管制存在的主要问题 9
3.3.1公立医院的垄断地位 9
3.3.2以药养医的根深蒂固 9
3.3.3流通链条的多环症结 10
4深圳市药品价格管制的探索与实践 11
4.1深圳市药品价格管制的主要措施 11
4.1.1公立医院改革 11
4.1.2社康中心试点 14
4.1.3推行基药制度 14
4.1.4全民医保实践 15
4.2深圳市药价管制存在的主要问题 16
4.2.1降价制度失灵 16
4.2.2社康发展受阻 17
5完善深圳市药品价格管制的政策建议 19
5.1突出重点,建立上下联动的补偿机制 19
5.1.1明确职能定位 19
5.1.2落实财政投入 19
5.1.3完善补偿机制 19
5.2攻克难点,建立内外兼修的监管体系 20

5.2.1完善责任体系 20
5.2.2明确政策法规 20
5.2.3加强内外监管 20
5.3打造亮点,完善标本兼治的配套建设 20
5.3.1完善医保制度 20
5.3.2改革医疗体制 21
5.3.3发展现代物流 21
6结论 237
参考文献 24
附录 26
谢辞 28,1997

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