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工商局绩效考评体系设计论文+开题报告+任务书 第2页

更新时间:2011-9-5:  来源:毕业论文
The Design of PAS-Performance Appraisal of Commerce Sub-bureau Hanshan of Handan City
The civil servants'performance evaluation is an important part of the civil servantmanagement, still important procedure of the personnel administration. It is a vital way indiscovering and promoting outstanding persons who are capable of administarial management. Along with the civil servants'system in my country constantly perfect.The civil servant system has being seen constantly perfecting, and the civil servants'performance evaluation, which is the central point of the civil servants system, has been gradually taking a normative, scientific, legitimized road. But there are still problems about, such as formalization of evaluation,attaching more attention to qualitative evaluation instead of quantitative evaluation, neglecting the feedback of the evaluation information, misuse of the result of the evaluation.T'hese problems encumber the function of the evaluation to encourage people,also harm the fairness and rationality of the evaluation.
Therefore, our civil servant system based on laws and policies, commerce system from the Han shan of civil servant's performance assessment system, and analyzes the system in-depth investigation of the current situation and existing problems of human resource, will introduce the government performance appraisal theory about basic law enforcement of such civil management, personnel assessment into Han shan commerce, performance appraisal, puts forward the scientific evaluation system. Meanwhile, the industry of comprehensive management and administrative enforcement with two kinds of positions, as an example, whose position have both characteristics of integrated management and administrative execution of law,and conduct a mock application.
Keywords:Performance appraisal;Appraisal system ;Civil Servants ;Commerce Sub-bureau
摘    要
因此,本文结合我国公务员制度法规政策规定,从邯山区工商分局系统公务员绩效考核制度入手,深入调查剖析该制度的现状及存在问题,将企业人力资源有关绩效考核理论引入政府基层执法类公务员管理中,对邯山区工商分局人员考核引入绩效考核,提出了科学的考评体系。从而最大限度地达到提高行政效率和行政能力的目的。同时,以工商所长这一兼具综合管理和行政执法两类特征的职位为例,进行模拟应用。关键词:绩效考评;考评体系;公务员;工商分局 1绪论
1.1.1 研究背景

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