关键词: 民营企业,人才流失,珠三角
20 years passed private enterprises in China played an important role in economy development. With the improvement of the macroeconomic environment, private enterprises in China are confronted with an opportunity, along with the big challenge and risk. In Pearl River Deta, On the one hand, talented persons are necessary for the development of private enterprises; on the other hand, hiding in the development of private enterprises, employment mechanism backward, salary system and 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ and so on the most popular problem which private enterprises will face is competing for H R, introducing talented persons, how to maintain them and encourage them to perform well. Staff high proportion outflow, not only has carried off the trade, the technical secret, has carried off the customer, causes the enterprise to suffer the direct economic loss, moreover, increased the enterprise manpower reset cost, interferes with the work the continuity and the work quality, also affects in office staff's stability and the effect is loyal. If does not control, finally will affect the potential and the competitive power which the enterprise will develop continually.
PRD against the existence of private enterprises, through comparative analysis of the method of establishing scientific personnel mechanisms, Private entrepreneurs, establishing a scientific system of remuneration tackle the problem. Thus causes Pearl River Deta the area privately operated enterprise, to be continually healthy, the stable development.
Key words: private enterprise;flowing out;Pearl River Deta
目 录
1 绪 论 .1
1.1 研究背景和目的.1
1.2 国内外企业人才流失状况.1
2 人才流失的状况分析.3
2.1 企业员工离职的概念.3
2.1.1 离职的基本含义.3
2.1.2 离职的分类.3
2.2 员工流失的成本分析.4
2.2.1 直接损失.4
2.2.2 间接损失.4
3 珠三角民营企业人才流失背景分析.6
3.1 珠三角民营企业现状.6
3.2 人才争夺现状.6
3.3 江门市民营企业目前的人才现状主要都存在的问题.7
4 珠三角民营企业人员流失的原因分析.8
4.1 用人机制落后 任人唯亲.8
4.2 经营目标短期化.9
4.3 薪酬体系不合理.9
4.4 忽视与员工的情感交流.11
4.5 忽视劳动者的社会福利保障.11
4.6 工作职责设计不合理.11
4.7 员工职业生涯计划难以实现.12
4.8 企业前景不明朗或内部管理混乱.12
4.9 市场化的人才配置缺乏.13
5 珠三角民营企业人员流失的对策研究.14
5.1 建立科学的用人机制.14
5.2 提高民营企业家的素质.15
5.3 建立科学合理的薪酬体系.16
5.4 正视人才安全问题 制定预防措施.17
5.5 给员工制定职业生涯规划.18
5.6 建立吸引核心人才的制度.19
5.6.1 以事业吸引人.19
5.6.2 以文化留住人.20
5.6.3 以制度管理人.21
5.6.4 各地政府要制定人才政策.21
5.7 建立培训和效果评估制度22