
Nowdays,the market competition has become more and more fierce, In order to survive in the market , the enterprise must enhance the production and obtain more profits. There are several methods to enhance production, For example, reducing the cost for promotion, but if no quality assurance, smart customers won’t choose this product. It is very important to clarify the relationship between quality and sales, the competition among enterprises is not only on the product quality, effective marketing strategy is also very vital, it is advisable of good quality products can’t sale. This article mainly introduces the relationship between the quality and sales in the new economic environment. We can illustrate the problem through investigating the relationship between quality and sales of Guangdong Electric Tool factory.
First ,the dissertation outlines the basic theory and characteristics of the relationship between quality and sales ,uses market investigation and internal investigation to obtain the enterprise and market information of quality and sales.
Second, this article will analysis the obtained information of quality and sales ,search whether the quality can meet the customers’  demands, and find out the relationship between the two things.
Third, this article will find out the factors that hinder the improvement of product through analysis, and give the analysis and explanation to the main problems.
Finally, this dissertation propose some suggestions to solve the problem that the sales volume of the factory could hardly be improved.
In the appendix ,this dissertation will give some essential data for reference.
Key words : Quality, sales, new competition 
1 绪论 1
1.1题目背景及目的 1
1.2国内外研究状况 1
1.3题目研究方法 2
1.4论文构成及研究内容 2
2 存在问题调查 3
2.1理论基础 3
2.2调查对象 3
2.2.1内部 3
2.2.2市场 3
2.3调查内容 3
2.3.1性能 3
2.3.2寿命 4
2.3.3可信性 4
2.3.4安全与环境适应性 4
2.3.5经济性 4
2.4调查形式 4
2.4.1座谈会 4
2.4.2个人面访 5
2.4.3市场调查 5
2.4.4文献资料 6
2.5调查实施质量 6
3 存在问题分析 7
3.1数据分析 7
3.1.1总体情况 7
3.1.2产品性能对营销影响分析 9
3.1.3产品的寿命对企业营销的影响 15
3.1.4产品可信性对企业营销的影响 18
3.1.5产品安全性对企业营销的影响 22
3.1.6产品经济性对企业营销的影响 25
3.1.7对比分析 28
3.1.8主要问题分析 29
3.2存在问题小结 33
4 解决问题的措施及建议 35
4.1严格实施质量保障措施 35
4.2消除不良操作行为对质量的影响 36
4.3要加强市场调查与预测及对新产品质量进行全面检测 38
4.4抓好原材料和零部件的供应预防质量问题 39
4.4.1对供方调查 39
4.4.2样品鉴定 40
4.4.3合格决定审核 41
4.4.4对供方评价 41
4.5采用适当的营销策略消除顾客的坏印象 41
4.5.1广告促销 41毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.lwfree.com/
4.5.2直接让利和间接让利 42
4.5.3试用活动与三包期限 42
结论 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45
附录A 46
附录B 1243

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