
摘  要
关键词:物流,出口监管仓,必要性 stract
With the development of the reformation and openness, modern logistics of our country has developed rapidly. Professional logistics enterprises have begun to spring up unceasingly, Diversiform logistics serves have developed to some degree.Enterprises have begun to acquaint "third profit wellhead of logistics field”deeply. Logistics of Shenzhen has developed fine and set an example for another area of our country. For an instance, the three big customs custody warehouses area of Shenzhen have high efficient and high quality logistics serves so that there are more and more enterprises want to cooperate毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.lwfree.com/ of Guangzhou has so many problems. One of problems is lacking of customs custody warehouses. Therefore, if Guangzhou want to develop the modern logistics energetically, it must develop customs custody warehouses so that they can compete with Shenzhen mutually. Then , how to develop customs custody warehouses more rapidly and much better is main content in this paper.
At first, it is the description of the modern logistics development in our country and Guangzhou.
Secondly, it has described the situation of customs custody warehouses development in our country and Guangzhou to prove that developing customs custody warehouses in Guangzhou is necessary to develop modern logistics rapidly.
Thirdly, it has discussed that what problems of customs custody warehouses in Guangzhou must been solved and why these problems have brought out.
Finally, it has pointed that how to develop customs custody warehouses in Guangzhou.
Key words: logistics, customs custody warehouses, necessary
目      录
1绪论 ………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.1  课题背景及目的 ……………………………………………………………………1
1.2国内外研究状况 …………………………………………………………2
1.3  课题研究方法 ………………………………………………………………………3
1.4  论文构成及研究内容………………………………………………………………3
2 现代物流业在我国和广州的发展状况  ………………………………………………… 4 
2.1  现代物流业在我国的发展状况………………………………………………………4
2.2 现代物流业在广州的发展状况………………………………………………5
  3.1  出口监管仓简介 ……………………………………………………………………7
3.1.1  出口监管仓的概念……………………………………………………………7
    3.1.2  出口监管仓库主要业务………………………………………………………7
    3.1.3  出口监管仓库适用范围………………………………………………………8
3.2  出口监管仓在我国发展的现状………………………………………………………8
3.3  出口监管仓在广州发展的现状………………………………………………………9
3.4  出口监管仓在广州发展的必要性…………………………………………………10
3.4.1  出口监管仓对物流业发展的作用及贡献…………………………………10
3.4.2  广州物流业的发展需要发展出口监管仓…………………………………11
4 出口监管仓在广州发展所遇到的问题及原因分析 …………………………………… 14
4.1  很多企业对出口监管仓的业务了解不深  ……………………………………… 14
4.2  政府机构对出口监管仓的发展存在很多约束…………………………………… 14
4.2.1  海关方面的约束……………………………………………………………14
4.2.2  地方政府制度约束…………………………………………………………15
4.3  出口监管仓的物流服务和经营管理水平有待提高………………………………15
4.3.1  出口监管仓专业物流服务水平比较低 ……………………………………15
4.3.2  低水平的物流基础设施影响着物流效率的提高 …………………………16
4.4  物流专业人才比较短缺   …………………………………………………………17
5 出口监管仓在广州发展的对策 …………………………………………………………18
5.1  加强各企业之间的交流并做好物流宣传工作……………………………………18
5.1.1  激发物流服务需求高度重视宣传工作……………………………………18
    5.1.2  加强企业的之间交流 ………………………………………………………18
    5.1.3  充分利用现有资源做好宣传报道工作……………………………………18
5.2  政府重视并制定有利于出口监管仓发展的政策  ………………………………18
    5.2.1  税收政策……………………………………………………………………18
5.2.2  投融资政策…………………………………………………………………19
5.2.3  规范用地价格………………………………………………………………19
5.2.4  广州海关组织两仓监管科…………………………………………………19
5.2.5  广州海关对出口监管仓开立电子账册……………………………………19
5.2.6  广州海关完善通关程序……………………………………………………19
5.3  提高出口监管仓的物流服务和经营管理水平……………………………………20
5.3.1  转变观念树立顾客至上的服务意识………………………………………20
5.3.2  开发差别化物流服务  ……………………………………………………20
5.3.3  建立物流信息系统  ………………………………………………………20
5.3.4  合理设定企业物流服务水平 ……………………………………………21
5.4  加大物流专业人才的培养力度……………………………………………………21
5.4.1  创造物流发展的软环境形成对物流的正确认识………………………… 21
5.4.2  通过学历教育培养物流人才 ………………………………………………22
5.4.3  通过职业培训培养物流人才 ……………………………………………23
5.4.4  强化资格认证提高物流人才水平 …………………………………………23
5.4.5  开展物流教育专题研究强化物流人才 ……………………………………23
5.4.6  通过出国进修扩大物流人才培养渠道 ……………………………………24
结论 …………………………………………………………………………………………25
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………… 26
致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………………1236

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