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更新时间:2016-8-27:  来源:毕业论文

摘要 随着交通的发展以及通信的发展,人们之间的距离越来越近了,范围也越来越大了,联系也越来越紧密了,这就迫切要求我们把所有人的练习方式统一管理起来,为此,本设计就为用户提供了一个管理联系方式的方法。
此系统除包含了传统手机通讯录管理系统的菜单、输入本文来自优!文~论*文^网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324,9114找源文、删除、拨号、查询、查看等基本功能以外,我所做的android手机通讯录的初步设想还包含大多数智能手机通讯录的功能,如:信息控制、联系人管理、搜索和查找、使用户可以随时随地管理自己的联系人资料、全局搜索、局部字段索引、支持汉语拼音首字母键盘快捷键速查、通讯录数据导入\导出\同步、密码开启通讯录功能、以及数据备份功能,其他附加功能等。这个系统改变了人类生活中对于一般通讯录管理的认识。使人们搜索联系方式更方便,此系统会促进人们之间的关系往友好方向发展。
关键词:Java, MySQL 数据库,android, 手机通讯录的基本功能,智能手机通讯录的功能。
Based on Android Platform in the Research and Design of Contacts
The development of transportation and communications development, the distance between people is getting closer, the range is also growing, and increasingly close ties, and which urgently requires us to contact all of the unified management together, this, this design to provide users with a management method of contact.
Android platform based on the curriculum design team responsible for my cell phone address book management system, the system design with MySQL database by using java android platform for the establishment of a management contact information.
System contain not only the traditional phone contacts management system menu, enter, modify, delete, dial-up, query, view, and other basic features, our team did the initial idea of android mobile phone address book also contains most of the smart phone contacts features such as: information control, contact management, search and find, allowing users to manage their contact information anytime, anywhere, global search, local field index to support the first letter of Chinese phonetic keyboard shortcuts Quick, address book data Import \ Export \ synchronization, password, open the address book functions, and data back up functions, other additional functions. The system changes the address book of human life in general.
anagement knowledge, so that people search for contact information more convenient, this system will promote the friendly relations between people to the direction of development.
Keywords: Java, MySQL database, Android, the basic functions of mobile phone address book, address book features smart phones.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
目录 4
1 绪论 6
1.1 概述 6
1.2 课题的目的和意义 6
1.3 国内外研究现状与水平 7
1.4 发展趋势 7
1.5 系统开发环境 7
2 分析 8
2.1 可行性分析 8
2.1.1技术可行性 8
2.1.2经济可行性 9
2.1.3操作可行性  9
2.2 需求分析 9
2.2.1 Android 通讯录的使用意义 9
2.2.2 外部事件 10
3 设计 10
3.1 系统总体设计 10
3.2 处理流程设计 11
3.3 功能浏览 13
3.4 功能具体实现 19
3.5 数据库设计 3.3.1 SQLite 数据库简介 27
3.6 联系人浏览模块 28
3.7 查看联系人模块 29
3.8 编辑联系人模块 29
3.9 查找联系人模块 29
4 系统测试与调试 30
4.1 测试目的 30
4.2 程序调试 30
4.3 测试的主要内容 30
4.4 系统的后期文护与升级 31
5 发展前景及效益 31
6 重点、难点 34
6 解决问题的方法、手段、措施等 34
总结 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40,2878

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