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VB+SQLserver仓储式药房管理系统设计与开发(销售+入库)+DFD图+ER图 第2页

更新时间:2016-4-21:  来源:毕业论文
ABSTRACT 学生会活动协议书
Warehouse-style pharmacy management system is a typical management information system (MIS), mainly including the establishment and maintenance of the background database and the development of front-end application. For the former it requests establishment of a database with strong data consistency and integrity and good data security. For the latter it should be characterized with perfect application functions and easy to use at least.
Therefore, in line with the special requirements of the curatorial industry, after deeply investigating and researching the following points: SQL Server 2000 database management systems, SQL language theory, VB applications design and VB database technologies, the article mainly accomplish the analysis of the main warehouse-style pharmacy management system requirements, functional modules division, and the database model, and the design of structure of the database and applications according to it.
Chapter I expounds the meaning and background of the development of warehouse-style pharmacy management system.
Chapter II and chapter III explains the basic theory of MIS system and storage system.
Chapter IV explains that the system development environment.
Chapter V and Chapter VI carries through specific procedures design, specifically establish manipulate scope of the three categories of users including seller, storage manager and system manager and designs three operational interface. The article also achieved the scanning of the database tables, adding, deleting, modifying and enquiring of records, as well as generation of statements, etc. Besides, the specific process from the warehouse-style pharmacy management system to the whole design and detailed design ,and the realization of the various link, as well as the design and test is detailedly given, and finally the system also identified deficiencies and unrealized functions.

KEYWORDS:Pharmacy Management System, MIS, Warehouse, Medicine

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VB+SQLserver仓储式药房管理系统设计与开发(销售+入库)+DFD图+ER图 第2页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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